Fact or Myth: Fulani Muslims Are Not Circumcised By Shehu Jimoh

Uncircumcised Hausa and Fulani Muslims? If this topic is mere politics, I would not be bothered. The fact that it has to do with the...

Understanding Your Society – Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman

Sacha Baron Cohen may be very nasty but he is one of those actors who satires depict his knowledge of the society he lives...

My Sunnah Story (12) – Sanni Kay Yusuf

  I was fearfully expectant of a favourable response from madam's dad. A week down the line, nothing desirable was elicited. I would pester her,...

The Hijab Is Not Human By Sanni Kay Yusuf

Hijab is a piece of cloth - a mere garment. It is not human, only worn by the Muslim woman. It is a non-living...

RAPE: Between Noise and Awareness By Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman

At the time of this writing, people are angrily condemning rape following the rape of some females. A different opinion gets you the "Rapist"...


  Most times when I read of Muslims being persecuted, I wonder if we are being persecuted because no Muslim is educated, famous, rich or...


by H. O. ADENUGA Praise be to Allah who has created men and Jin Glory be to He who created them mainly for ...

Is God The Father? – Sanusi Ibn Abdulwasiu

IS GOD THE FATHER? By Sanusi Olawale Ibn AbdulWasiu "The Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man" is how the 19th century liberal Protestant theologian...

America cannot lecture Africans on human rights – Tafi Mhaka

Seated in the unenviable squalor of my modest, sparsely furnished living room, deep in the southern end of "shithole" Africa, as American President Donald...

Al-Aqsa Mosque reopens after more than 2 months

Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque compound has reopened to worshippers and visitors after more than two months of closure due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Council of...


  I approached dad using same method - prayer and hope. He was happy (as against my pessimistic thought), and consequently gave his unflinching endorsement....


EPISODE 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6nXwzor3CQ&feature=youtu.be EPISODE 2 https://youtu.be/rCO81xzN3c8 EPISODE 3 https://youtu.be/dDz1hyoRJ2M EPISODE 4 https://youtu.be/U4UDgu78ayc And continuation https://youtu.be/jVxMXLT8GRw EPISODE 5 https://youtu.be/LPYYaW52w0c EPISODE 6 https://youtu.be/4Tjyj5Jqo_g And continuation https://youtu.be/M1vRmzLzQLE EPISODE 7 https://youtu.be/d1k7ypl8Xh8 EPISODE 8 https://youtu.be/OvVZPoP2PG4 EPISODE 9 https://youtu.be/j5Co3Cj8Z4Y And continuation https://youtu.be/2lAxKH4zU8E EPISODE 10 https://youtu.be/aR0xjIIUAzo   EPISODE 1️⃣1️⃣ https://youtu.be/vM4la_RRSOY EPISODE 1️⃣2️⃣ https://youtu.be/bj-vT6RUugk EPISODE 1️⃣3️⃣ https://youtu.be/ykqBb9-0WYs EPISODE 1️⃣4️⃣ https://youtu.be/linEe7IlUi8 EPISODE 1️⃣5️⃣ A https://youtu.be/KpXI3WCWj1Y B https://youtu.be/GyBsEMb84bk C https://youtu.be/m2sHMDhXLcY D https://youtu.be/IXmhqyMI6uc EPISODE 1️⃣6️⃣ https://youtu.be/76IZlk7UUDY EPISODE 1️⃣7️⃣ A https://youtu.be/B2F2wMtsa_g B https://youtu.be/0bHC0BS0AEM EPISODE 1️⃣8️⃣ https://youtu.be/bTxqbV5c2Sw EPISODE 1️⃣9️⃣ https://youtu.be/GR-h23VIBYg EPISODE 2️⃣0️⃣ https://youtu.be/f_h9qHu26Jw EPISODE...

‘I Can’t Breathe’ – Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman

The murder of a black man, George Floyd, by a white policeman, Dereck Chauvin with the aid of three others has led to protests...

The Promised Comforter and The Trinity – Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman

  It has been a subject of discourse amongst Muslims and Christians on the COMFORTER whom Jesus(pbuh) said would come after him. Muslims have argued...

Dance For Your Husband Challenge – Hamid Al-Hassan Hamid

With regards to the videos posted about husbands dancing for their wives and wives dancing for their husbands, there have been alot of mixed...

WHAT YOU THINK OF ME — By Aladodo Abdus-Salam

WHAT YOU THINK OF ME is that I am one covered in dignity whose words are pearls pearls to be spread in love & light. whose actions should...

MY SUNNAH STORY (10) — By Sanni Kay Yusuf

MY SUNNAH STORY (10) BY SANNI KAY YUSUF That question got me fearfully stammered and I became bereft of a corresponding answer. I thought I was proverbially...

Help A Sister In Distress: To Remove Large Fibroid

As salaam alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, A sister whose effort in Da'wah we acknowledge urgently needs our help. The sister has an enlarged fibroid that needs...

MY SUNNAH STORY (9) — By Sanni Kay Yusuf

MY SUNNAH STORY (9) BY SANNI KAY YUSUF We got to her mum amid palpitation of the heart. She was surprised to see us. "Why the uninformed...

MY SUNNAH STORY (8) — By Sanni Kay Yusuf

MY SUNNAH STORY (8) BY SANNI KAY YUSUF I proposed marriage, not dating. So plans to legitimatize the mutuality to build up a blissful palace as king...