As salaam alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, On August 24 2022, I shared my discussion with one Deborah. At the end, she embraced Islam and became Khadeejah. Listen to the conversation: Since then, she has been learning the Deen and steadfast. Two days...
A Widow, Daughter, and Faith on Trial - KnowIslam Project As salaam alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, This is an urgent call to assist a mother and daughter who reverted to Islam and abandoned by family. Their Story The daughter, now Zainab, embraced Islam at...
  As salaam alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, This is an urgent call to assist a mother and daughter who reverted to Islam and abandoned by family. Their Story The daughter, now Zainab, embraced Islam at ACADIP 2021 Ramadan Lecture held in Ede where Mallam...
As salaam alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, This broadcast is to solicit for assistance for a brother who was hit by a taxi driver while riding his bike leaving him with two fractures in his leg. He is to buy drugs, undergo...
This fundraiser is closed.   As-salaam 'alaykum warahmatuLLahi wabarakaatuhu, The KowIslam Projects solicits donations to support a widow in her early 40s with three children. Following the death of her husband, she took sole responsibility for taking care of the children. As...
About to months ago, an interaction with a relatively menial worker opened another page that exposes the reality of some needy Muslims who, out of poverty, lose their deen in pursuit of survival.  The said menial worker was a...
As salaam alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, Case 1: The KnowIslam Project seeks your help in assisting a revert sister who recently lost her husband to a fatal accident. She was left with her two children and a struggling business. We hope to...
  As-salaam 'alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, A recently reverted brother is in need of our urgent assistance. Following the loss of his job due to reversion, he has taken to selling phone accessories and repairs to make ends meet. Presently, the brother is...
As-salaam 'alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, A revert sister had been sacked from her job and given an ultimatum to vacate the house she lives in following her conversion to Islam. The upright and striving sister had clung on to her steadfastness...
URGENT REQUEST TO HELP A BROTHER IN NEED OF SURGERY -KNOWISLAM PROJECT #150,000 received   As salaam alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu,   The KnowIslam Project is seeking support for a brother in need of urgent surgery to fix his arm after a road...

