In his letter to the Chief Imam of Ogbomoso land dated 14th June 2024, the King, Oba Afolabi Ghandi Olaoye, the Soun of Ogbomoso wrote thus: "...And I am not aware of any subsisting order of court restraining me...
Yesterday, a Christian brother visited me to ask some questions about programming. When we were done, we discussed other issues and he said, "But why do countries like Afghanistan and Iraq make people dislike your religion (Islam) given how...
"Iskeel, you are disturbing me," Mallam Yusuf Adepoju would often say to Brother Iskeel Mustapha on stage as he moved around during lectures. This phrase became so frequent that "Iskeel, you are disturbing me" almost became a nickname, one...
In the world today, Islam is the simplest, clearest and most understandable religion to be practiced. Infact, Allah (SWT) did not burden us with any part of the religion, Allah, the most gracious, most merciful. Pristine Islam is not affiliated...
When COVID-19 came, we switched from receiving exegeses of the Qur’an and Hadith from masājid and physical gatherings of knowledge to virtual ones. We attended Facebook Live and Zoom sessions to listen to our favourite scholars. We followed their...
  When you love someone, it makes sense to go the extra mile for them, even if that means waking up at 4:30 am to pack their lunch or taking an additional job to provide for them. This also includes...
As it appears, the new normal amongst youths in South-Western Nigeria is saying "Aje," either as an exclamation, affirmation, attestation, or swear, including Muslim youths. Before I continue, this article is in no way the concern of anyone whose...
I received a phone call yesterday, where the caller, a non-Muslim, called to confirm my religion given my name. "I am a Muslim," I affirmed. He went on to express his shock. "One wouldn't easily know... you are very...
Double Standards: Ukraine's Bombing of Crimean Bridge Praised, Hamas' Offensive Against Israel Called Terrorism The bombing of the Kerch Bridge by Ukrainian forces was widely praised by Western media as a brave and daring act. The bridge is a major...
Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist, author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, recently tweeted a message of support for Israel in the ongoing conflict with Palestine. In his tweet, Peterson wrote, "Give 'em hell @netanyahu Enough...

