I cherished the sighting of the Crescent Deterred from my Lord was my heart Like the emptiness that goes beyond explanations. Bad-mannered was my disposition to other Believers. My Standing, Bending and Prostration - all in Prayer, I unrepentantly abandoned, Numberless time over. Ties of kinship...

Heralds of Truth

They are a people with angelic looks,   People with filthy guts suffused with deceits,   Hearts filled with hatred,   And thirst which only supremacy could quench,   For that; they (Non Muslims) slayed our brethren,   And hide behind broad fake smile,   With coated tongue to paint us...


You are dying and you don’t even know it, never sought coming but you are so young, so much life, so much loving, so much hope , so much sorrow, I guest so much forth tomorrow, your...
Here i am I the long awaited guest,one of five pillars of islam Which every muslim Ummah has been waiting for I am the month of blessing with 30/29days I am the bond that keep every muslim Ummah Either you are a suffi Either you...
As Ramaḍān is approaching there is something that I would like to bring to attention, and that is the Du'ā at the time of Ifṭār (breaking fast) which is common and widespread amongst people. ? “Allaahuma Laka Ṣumtu Wa ‘Alaa...
The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) has directed Muslim faithfuls to look out for the moon from today Friday 26th May, 2017. Nigerian Muslims are, therefore, most likely to commence the annual Ramadan fasting within the next...
Aishah ( ﺭﺿﻲ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﺎ ) narrated that the Prophet ﷺ entered upon her one day and saw a small piece of bread on the floor, so he picked it up and wiped it, then told her: “O Aishah...
  WHO IS THAT PARTICULAR COMFORTER? ISLAM PROPHET MUHAMMAD?, LETS CHECK ON THE TIME GIVEN BY JESUS OF THE COMING OF THE COMFORTER. According to the Christian ,the comforter is the Holy Spirit, in order to resolve that confusion , we...
The life began with action,     The conversation that draws reaction,     Reaction that began with action,     The creation began with Qallam,     Qallam: a pen,     Allah commanded to write,     Reactions were made,     Destiny were created,     The Big Bang,     The science of evolution,     The story began,     The Qur'an is a book of signs,     Not...
It is a command from your Lord, To the believers, Ramadan a month of mercy, Refrain from eating and drinking, Refrain from looking at which is forbidden, Lower your gaze, Don't look at anything except that is permitted to you, Refrain from talking about others, Every corner...

