1. The Taqwa of Allah And whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). (2) And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine....
The Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) on Thursday said new evidence suggests that crimes against humanity and possibly genocide are occurring against Xinjiang Muslims in China. The bipartisan commission of the United States Congress has said in a new report...


Bismillah wa sollātu was-Salāmu 'Alā Rasūlillah. I have recently been shared with a piece of writing transcribed from a viral audio clips by a brother from Ilorin who erroneously claims that some financial transactions of the Nigeria first non-interest bank...
Islamophobia, "an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against Islam or people who practice Islam", has been ravaging a lot of countries. The origin of Islamophobia in some western countries is linked to violence and terrorism carried out by...
When we refuse to partake in pagan festivals, we get labelled, called names and they see us as repugnant. I think that these festivals would one day become a thing of the past if people begin to reason for...
  As-salaam 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu, As part of our mission to tell the Muslim story, the KnowIslam Projects is glad to announce that we are creating a database for Islamic Schools in and Iʿtikāf centres in Nigeria. The database will be...
  Western ideology says drink responsibly, Islam says abstain totally from intoxicants. Western ideology says use condoms & contraceptives, Islam says abstain from premarital sex and adultery. Western ideology says gender equality, Islam says gender right. Western ideology says what a man can do a woman...
One of the most unfortunate things about Nupeland is that the things we proudly celebrate as culture are acts of Shirk, Kufr and grave sins. I will pick just three examples: i. Ndakogboya (Masquerades) are remnants of widespread Shirk in...
    Why are they always mad each time they see you with beard? Why are they always disturb when they see you putting on the correct Hijaab/Niqab? Why is your sunnatic trouser their problem? Why are they always sad each time you create...

