In as much as I don’t agree with some of the views of Daddy Freeze, I will love to buttress his point on the post he made earlier on Yeshua/Joshua/Jesus, while bringing it down to the Igbo translation “Jesu” Put...
  As-salaam 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu, As part of our mission to tell the Muslim story, the KnowIslam Projects is glad to announce that we are creating a database for Islamic Schools in and Iʿtikāf centres in Nigeria. The database will be...
Nigerian Muslim activists have led different Hijab cases at different times. Nigeria, a multi-religious State has been trying to find a balance between its secular constitution and the diverse society. While Muslims continue to demand for their right to...
When I started to wear the hijab I really hated it. I just felt so ugly. And I wasn’t even wearing it properly. I was still wearing tight clothes because that’s all I had and I would wear a scarf. It...
"Alhaji, your people showed the true color of Imale (Islam) in Owo yesterday. The religion of perdition" The statement quoted above was sent to me on Whatsapp by 70-year-old Mr. Raimi Adeleke who has made tormenting me over religious issues...
  1.0 Introduction   After exercising a great deal of restraint as a professional body, Muslim Lawyers’ Association of Nigeria (MULAN) is compelled by a catalogue of developments to make this statement on the self-inflicted journey into perdition embarked upon by the...
CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS - Live A Purpose-driven Life With KnowIslam Project   The KnowIslam Project is calling for volunteers to advance the cause of Islam and prepare them for a better future in their careers. We seek young single Muslims...
As-salaam 'alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, A revert sister had been sacked from her job and given an ultimatum to vacate the house she lives in following her conversion to Islam. The upright and striving sister had clung on to her steadfastness...
A few days ago, I was invited over by an Egyptian friend for dinner with his family, and a long-term friend who was willing to meet. "Lukman, will you come to have dinner and some tea with my family",...
Every Nation, Religion, Tribe, and Colour has been at the receiving end of some forms of stereotypes and prejudices at one point or the other. Ironically, those who answer to prejudices also find themselves prejudiced against others. In being...

