There is this reprehensible cartoon by the cartoonist who goes by the name of Asukwo depicting the governor of Kano with his arms amputated signing the death sentence of the young man condemned by the Sharia court for dragging...


THE DEEN; ISLAM — Abubakar Aasiya Eleojo (Qalbin Muneeb) "Indeed the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam"(Qur'an 3: 19). From the root 'س' and 'ل' and 'م' Sprouts the stem of the deen; Submission. Budded with a 'م' Emerges the word ; Muslim. The blessed...
  When you love someone, it makes sense to go the extra mile for them, even if that means waking up at 4:30 am to pack their lunch or taking an additional job to provide for them. This also includes...
In a country like Nigeria where Muslims account for a significant percentage of its population, Muslim rights are being violated. This is not because Muslims are a minority, rather, Muslims of their own will not wanting to stand up...

At-Tauhid reading continued

Click here for previous session       None asks Intercession of Allah before His creation It is narrated from Jubair bin Mut'im (May Allah be pleased with him) that He said: An A'rabi (a nomadic Arab) came to the (May the peace...


WHAT IS ZAKAT AL-FITR Think of the word “Iftar”, Zakat Al-Fitr is the charity that we give at the end of Ramadhan. Here is the foundational hadith that establishes the obligation of Zakat Al-Fitr: Ibn `Umar reported that the...
It feels great and secretive to lie to people. They might even believe you not knowing you're lying. Lies are told for several reasons: To seal a deal, to avoid being wrong, out of fear, to keep a relationship,...
BRIEFLY ON CHRISTIAN ELDERS ISLAMISATION CLAIM. As was rightly observed the other time, Nigeria Christian leaders are in crisis. They have followers who see little or nothing wrong in alcoholism, fornication/adultery, obscene Music and public nudity. Their crisis is further...


By Sanni K. Yusuf Islam without morals is like living without life, talking without the tongue, body without limbs. The absence of emulative characters in the makeup of any muslim is like stew devoid of salt. Such will obviously make no...

At-Tauhid reading continued

Click here for previous session       The Prophet's safeguarding of Tauhid and his closing of the paths to Shirk   Narrated from Abdullah bin Ash-Shikhkhir (May Allah be pleased with him) who said: I went with a delegation of Banu 'Aamir to Allah's Messenger...

