My eyeballs capture many sheilas everyday
Ranging from the dark to the fair
Ranging from the slim to the fat
But there is this one I've never seen
All I see is her hijab.
Just as the diamond is found underneath
Just as gold can...
Islam does not allow a Muslim to surrender themselves to lust and desire, as in contemporary 'civilisation'. Islam recognises the love a man has for women, children, gold, silver, and other possessions. But it provides a limit for the...
In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful.
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and all his household.
Unfortunately in our today's world virginity has become a valueless to our young women, it has been a...
Alhamdulillah Wassalatu wassalamu Alaa Rasulullah.
We need to wake up my brothers and sisters, because we don’t even know where are we heading to and the pitiful moment is we never take a break to ask our self what wrong...
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The concept that God provided revelation without clarifying His Own nature
grates painfully against our innate understanding of God as allmerciful, providing clear
guidance to all mankind.
Standard Trinitarian response? That people would believe if only they understood.
Standard Unitarian response? Nobody understands the Trinity—nobody. That’s why it’s
a religious mystery. Talk with Trinitarian clergy long enough, bring up the above
objections (and those that follow), and sooner or later the confirmed Trinitarian will
admit, “It’s a mystery.” The youjusthavetohavefaith defense is not far behind. The
Unitarian typically points out, however, that moments earlier the Trinitarian proposed
that people would believe, if only they understood. However, when a legitimate attempt
is made to understand, by way of seeking answers to relevant questions, the claim
transforms to one of a religious mystery (i.e., nobody understands!). A final defense is the
suggestion that, “The...
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Seeking Rain through the Lunar Phases (Constellation)
Allah the Most Exalted said: "And instead (of thanking Allah) for the provision He gives you, on the contrary, you deny
Him (by disbelief) (and say that we have rained...

As a Muslim of West African origin living in the United States, my Muslim-ness is always contested by Europeans, Americans, and even clueless Africans. They ask me questions like:
“Are you Muslim?” and “Were you born...
Any attempt to equalise the male and the female genders will be a rude denial of nature. If it is generally believed that the man is much stronger than the woman; that the husband is the head of the...
Academy Of Islamic Propagation, Nigeria (ACADIP) ILORIN BRANCH.
📚 Tameem Ad-Dari reported: The Messenger of Allah,peace and blessings be upon him, said, “This matter(Islam) will certainly reach every place touched by the night and...
Looking forward to #Manila #Philippines tomorrow Sunday 22 Oct 2017 #BookNow