YOUR BOYS HAVE BECOME DEVILS. — Olanrewaju Alhassan Adedokun There is some news about your teenage boys that you must listen to; you might never have a better chance to hear this in a clearer voice; the only other chance you...


THEY HAD BETTER HEED — Sanni Kay Yusuf If I was asked to itemise stuffs I disliked doing as mosque administrator, two things would top my list: arbitrating in marital discords and being consulted to know whether or not a suitor...
THE LAST BONE STANDING. — SHEHU, Abdus-Salam Aladodo. Atheists do not believe in life after death. Well, how will one who does not acknowledge the presence of a Supreme Being even come to the conclusion that a resurrection will happen after...


COULD THAT BE AN HIJAB?  — SANNI KAY YUSUF This piece was triggered off by a scene recently seen of a lady. Riding on a motorcycle coasting home from the day's office activities, I saw the said lady dressed in a...
WHERE THE LIONS FIGHT — SANNI KAY YUSUF Scholars are scattered. Students are shattered. And the ummah is consequently battered - like a butchered buffalo. Friends in faith are now foes in fright. The booming boat of da'wah now in gloom....
IN SILENCE THEY DIE What the ears hear these days make the heart groan in pains of pity for the ones whose saddening tales are told. What the eyes see of marital brouhaha today make the sight blur to blindness....
Days ago, a popular Bollywood actress posted on her Facebook page, announcing to her fans, colleagues and the world that she is leaving the movie industry. Zaira, 18, best known for her role in the 2016 movie, 'Dangal', as a...
THIS IS HOW A MUSLIMAH IS: Leaving home at the time when cocks crow in corners, when birds chirp in nests & the street is set alive with its daily hustlers, she comes out in her Divine regalia, representing Islam & walking; 'ala istihyah.¹ Speaking at gatherings, with words...


THE DEEN; ISLAM — Abubakar Aasiya Eleojo (Qalbin Muneeb) "Indeed the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam"(Qur'an 3: 19). From the root 'س' and 'ل' and 'م' Sprouts the stem of the deen; Submission. Budded with a 'م' Emerges the word ; Muslim. The blessed...

