Recently, we have seen and heard people define Islam thus, "Islam means peace". It is important to say that this is not the proper definition of Islam and what it encompasses. The definition of "Islam means peace" is an apologetic...
  The Prophet Mūsa and his people had gotten to a dead end. In front of them was a sea they could not cross; coming from behind was the force of Pharaoh. Mūsa and his people were in the same situation,...
The moment it's announced that a young lady has embraced Islam, everyone would shout 'Allahu akbar' and of course, you'd see a number of brothers asking about her marital status so as to shoot their shots if she is...
Tales From The Quran: The Man Who Left His Family Behind. Wait! Take a moment to reflect on Qur'an 14:37... This verse gets oversimplified in our minds because we know the conclusion of the story already, but (un)fortunately, the Prophet in...
It was on a Saturday. Applicants had overwhelmingly gathered for the recruitment process. The unfavourability of the aptitude test got many back to their various domiciles. Those who scaled through the first hurdle were proceeded to the next level. On...
VALENTINE: LOVE OR LUST? BY SANNI KAY YUSUF The man, St Valentine - in one account of the conflicting stories of his life - was said to have been beheaded by one Roman emperor whose order barring soldiers from marriage (to keep...
While Shirk (believing Wallace D. Fard was the Mahdi, even Allah in flesh and their embrace of Dianetics) disqualifies members of the Nation Of Islam from being Muslims, their racist ideologies contradict the Qur'an and Sunnah. Malcolm X said...
Today, it has become very difficult for people to understand a simple piece of writing. When people read, they murder the contents, twist it to serve the negative mindset they have. Consequently, we continue to see a total misunderstanding...

ARE WE ALL TABLIGH? By Sanni Kay Yusuf

After an exclusive teaching-learning with some senior students on Descriptive Essay, they were saddled with a feedback assignment on the topic: "My Favourite Teacher". That gave all of them the opportunity to write about me, and their description of...
I have written to the sentiment of men. I have lost count the number of articles I have rolled out in our favour. Turning the page overleaf to the plights of our counterparts should be no cause for alarm....

