First and foremost, we must know that the Christians' belief that Jesus came to die for the sins of humanity is scripturally legless. It has no place in the bible. If someone came...
What initially drove my attention to Bible reading was the Bible stories, later by the grace of God, I read and understood the KJV Bible FOUR times from cover to cover. Every day, I tried to hear from the...
Being Born a Christian, practicing Christianity, and understanding Christianity are three different things and I think there is a need to briefly explain these three terms.
A child born to Christian parents automatically carries the...
Bid'ah is one of the most belittled evils in our society. The book, 50 Common Bid'ah (Religious Innovations) in our Contemporary World explains the general nature of "bid'ah", its types and implications in the affairs of a Muslim. It...
Anas(May Allah be pleased with him) said:
The messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “indecency does not leave anything untainted and decency does not leave anything ungraced and embellished”. ...
With the COVID-19 lockdown, many would have to perform the Salatul-'Eid at home. This document is a guide to' Eid Prayer at home.
Click to download Eid prayer at home - Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli
I really wished i could have the patient to read all the contents of this book and then write the lessons from it but I can't keep these lessons for too long, the book is didactic and a must...
Assalamu alaykum!
You've been reading literary works from secular angles, what about reading works from established and growing Muslim writers from the Islamic perspective? We made a call for submission and we received quite a number of entries. The top...
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It is common knowledge that the divinity of Jesus
was introduced by Paul, who never met Jesus or
his followers, and was established on the dead
bodies of millions of Christians through history
which evoked Castillo's...
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Read John 17:21., (That they all
may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in
thee, that they also may be one in us: that the
world may believe that thou hast sent me.), and