As salaam alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu,

A sister who delivered twins through Caesarean section was discharged from the hospital on May 4. Since then, she’s been at the hospital since she cannot afford to pay the bills.

Consequently, she developed a psychiatric illness with no prior history as attested by the husband. As she poses to be a danger to the new kids (due to her condition), the Criterion Sisters (an Islamic organization) helped in putting the kids in care of FOMWAN orphanage after paying a reasonable part of the hospital bills.

The sister has been referred to a psychiatrist who projected that with aggressive and intensive care, she should be back to normal within 2-3 weeks.

According to him, modified Electro convulsive theraphy (ECT) would be used on her 6 times at an estimated cost of #120, 000

The hospital bills at #40, 000 per week including feeding, drugs and consumables for basically three weeks at #120, 000.

We intend to rise #300, 000 for her. Kindly donate towards the wellness and the reunification of this new mother and her kids. Pay to;

0113094562 UNION BANK (Knowislam Project)

For more information, contact;

Alhaja Adigun (Criterion Sisters) – +234 806 6370 489

Dr. Adeyemo (FOMWAN) – +234 803 803 3257

Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman – +234 701 557 9491

#85, 000 of #300, 000 received as at Thursday, 12-06-2020 (8:46AM)


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