Indecency: Court Convicts Kannywood Actress, Sentences Her to 6-Month Islamiya Session
A Sharia'h court in Kano has convicted the Kannywood Actress, Sadiya Haruna, of moral indecency.
The conviction followed the arrest of the social media blogger...
What Has Befallen the Women of This Era!
When I read the biography of Muslim scholars, I realize that most of them would have finished the memorization of Quran by 7 and...
Never Stand to Refute the Wrong Beliefs of Your Husband’s Relatives
Overtime we have found many sisters having issues with the family of their husbands over one issue or the other.
I have often reiterated to...
Urgent Request For Two Sisters
Urgent Request For Two Sisters - KnowIslam Project
Case 1:
As salaam alaykum,
A married sister in her mid-thirties has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition...
Fiance or Sex Mate? -By Sanni Kay Yūsuf
Who could be sillier and stupider than a lady whose body is cheaply accessible to her so-called fiance? What sense does it make that...
‘Dad, I Want to Apply For Madeenah University’
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.
Conversation Between father and son
Son: Dad, I want to apply for Madeenah University.
Polygyny is not Promiscuity
It's no news that polygyny is divinely accepted and a right to which every Muslim is entitled to. In Islam, a man can marry...
Breastfeeding: The Rulings, Rewards and Relief
Allah is Ar Razzaq
Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an:
“And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision , and...
Human Rights in Islam: Slavery and Torture
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights deals with many issues. It attempts to ensure humankind treat each other with respect and dignity. Islam is...
7 Steps to Wean a Child and Dealing Effectively with the...
Weaning a baby – specially if you have nursed the child up to 2 years; by the time she is capable of determining her WANTS, can...
11 Matters You Always Wanted to Know About Istikhārah
What is Istikhārah?
Istikhārah literally means to seek the good. – (See: Lisān Al-ʿArab)
In a religious technical context it refers to seeking good...
13 Statements on the Status of the Ṣaḥābah (Companions of the...
“And the first forerunners among the Muhājirīn (migrants) and the Anṣār (helpers), and those who followed them with good conduct – God is...
The Man and the Other Room -By Sanni Kay Yūsuf
Our sisters seem to have been dying in silence - a deafening one for that matter. The recent outcry of some of them is,...
Marital Mutual Understanding -By Sanni Kay Yusuf
Like the woman values caring and may unapologetically flee her marriage if not lovably cared for, so the man cherishes respect and may unrepentantly...
The Brilliant Side of Pain: A Personal Account of Physical Trauma...
We are well acquainted with the toil and tug of this earthly life. Women especially, know the intimate relationship between joy and pain. The...
How Islam Has Protected the Rights of Women
There are many proofs to confirm the fact that Islam is the real emancipator of the woman or the female from her slavery. To...
The Amazing Potential of Muslim Women
Muslim women have the potential to benefit the Ummah (nation) in many diverse ways. The Ummah is suffering immensely in this present age and...
Aisha bint Abubakar: The Epitome of Intelligence
We marvel at our honourable mother ʿĀʾishah (may Allāh be pleased with her). We have the utmost regard for the beloved of the Messenger...
Five Religious Imperatives on Preservation of Health and Life
A Healthy Believer is Better and More Beloved to God
“A strong believer is better and dearer to God than a weak one,...
A Simple Way to Win Your Husband’s Heart -By Sanni Kay...
It's a hectic job to be in the kitchen cooking - an exercise that sometimes lasts for hours. This is a sacrifice every humane...