"A knowledge in the heart, a confession of the tongue, and an activity with the limbs." Faith is confidence in a truth which is real. When people have confidence, they submit themselves to that truth. It is not sufficient...
by Johnson Ayomide
To speak gratitude is curteous and pleasant,
To enact gratitude is gorgeous and noble,
But to live gratitude is to touch heaven and make it a save haven.
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues after Piety,
Zainab Cobbold: The First British Woman To Perform Pilgrimage To Mecca
by Johnson Ayomide
lslam had always been considered as a new religion in the United Kingdom with many reports not paying attention to the longevity of the religion in the United...
Nigerians emerged world Second Best Winners in Quran Competition (Male Categories)
by Johnson Ayomide
CONGRATULATIONS NIGERIA: This year's International Qur'an Recitation Competition has just ended in Saudi-Arabia with Nigeria winning the 2nd position in the Competition. The Competition which took place in...
hen we mention their names, we say "May Allah be pleased with them".
They were neither Nabih nor Rosulullah but were wives, Mothers, Sisters who worked in the most respectable and appreciable ways of Allah.
They were of huge support and...
As humans, the Creator of the universe has made us superior to all other things he created. And has made Muslims the best of His creations and has also made the prophet, S.A.W. with the best conduct.
Prophet Muhammad was...
AKHIRA; Are you prepared?
The earlier the better it is for you to realize that the certificates you pursue so badly are only enough for you to put food on your table, buy you clothes and cars but definitely not...
B R E A K I N G…..
Thousands Agog For ACADIP incoming Mega Lectures !!!
_…as the Da’wah Train moves to LAGOS, IBADAN, MODAKEKE, AKURE and OGBOMOSO
ACADEMY OF ISLAMIC PROPAGATION, NIGERIA invites the General Public to its FIVE (5) different...
Islam means the total submission to the will of Almighty Allah and being a Muslim is the greatest favour from Allah.
Being a Muslim and understanding the religion is a blessing from Almighty Allah.
The Qur'an serve as a guide to...
But where does the message of prophet Muhammad, (may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him) fit in with the previous messages revealed by God? A brief history of the prophets might clear...