The beauty of knowledge is its diverse technicalities whose ocean can never be exhaustively swum by any. And the unchangeable nature of scholarship is its technical diversities which naturally disallow the ordinary mind to have a say. But when...

The burn out.

The burn out: 😢 Too many of us, when we came upon the Sunnah, immediately, we wanted to become Ibn Taymiyyah. we wanted to be ibn Hambal. We started sharing refutations and all. We gave refutations more attention than we...

Misgoded reading continued

Click here for previous session     Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. This verse not only clarifies the...

At-Tauhid reading continued

Click here for previous session     The One who denies Qadar (Divine Decree)   Muslim reported that Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "By Him (Allah) in Whose Hand is the soul of lbn Umar, if anyone possessed gold amount...


ONLY ISLAM GIVES THE RESPECT! If you flick through the pages of history and come to the beginning of our history or the history of our nation as sovereign Muslim nation, we will notice that at that time in that...
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT from ACADIP NIGERIA A CALL FOR ADVERTS_ This is to inform the Muslim Ummah, that, whoever wishes to advertise his or her _Halaal Business_ in ACADIP BROCHURE that would be published for the Event of January 14th, 2018 at...
WHY IS POLYGYNY ALLOWED IN ISLAM? - Part 2   World female population is more than the male population, In USA, the women outnumbered the number of man by 7millions. New York also has one million females compared to the number...
Showcasing undiluted Islamic values in a multi religious society BISMILLAH RAHMAN ROHEEM. Salutations (Al-Muqadimaat). All praises and salutations are strictly due to Almighty Allah Subuhanahu wataalah. I testify there is nothing worthy of worship except Him. I bear witness and affirm that...
  The concept of fisebililahi has been grossly abused, especially in Nigeria. We don't pay for services. We don't encourage each other. We believe it must come to freebies yet those we give such free services have been paid hugely. If...
Permissible Business or investment opportunities in Islam. By Lawal AbdulAfeez Arishekola "...Allah has permitted trading and forbidden Riba (usury)." - Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 275 Rizq (Sustenance) that's regular remains one of the way to be independent and be fortified in Eeman and...

