One of the blessed days that Allah has granted the Ummah is the day of 'Arafah. The next ARAFAH DAY comes up next Tuesday, the day before Eid. The prophet (SAW) said: " Fasting the day of 'Arafah is...
Ramallah, occupied West Bank - A sixth Palestinian has tragically lost his life as a result of the Israeli military's extensive raid on the city of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank. The raid, which occurred on Monday,...
  When a man commits suicide, people say, "Death is never the solution" and I ask, "not a solution to what? If there is no life after death, suicide is a solution to this world's heartache and its thousand natural shocks....
  Social media has brought a lot to changes to our world of today. While we can explore different fields and topics that have been shaped by the advent of social media, this piece is focused on the debate that...
Islam and Muslims played a crucial role in opening the way to civilization in Europe. The Islamic Golden Age, spanning from the 8th to the 14th century, was a period of intellectual and cultural flourishing in the Islamic world....
  We praise our Lord, Allah the Creator of heavens and the earth. And we sent greetings and salutations to our noble prophet. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Aameen. Equality is defined as…a world where all...
The Adogba Central Mosque, which the Oyo State Government demolished, had tons of history attached to it. Those who knew what transpired at that time would confirm what I am writing here. This story, I'm very sure, no one...
Islam is a very practical and pragmatic way of life which gives ample consideration to the nature of mankind and the different situations in which we find ourselves when legislating laws for people to live and abide by. This...
The theory of Predeterminism and Freewill have been subjects of discourse for ages and will continue to be. The religion of Islam quite presents a compatibilistic view that suggests the possibility of Predeterminism and Freewill co-existing at the same...
"" The celebration of Christmas and the New Year Festival of the Gregorian Calendar is arguably one of the most debated topics in history. Now universal, religious people, intellectuals, and historians have and continue to debate the permissibility, rationality, and...

