So, today, I met a Christian apologist who said Jesus was crucified. Then he quoted this verse to justify his claim,
"Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is...
The shenanigans of Christian Evangelists by road sides, in car parks, bus stops, junctions, on commercial buses as well as their door to door evangelism is no longer a news.
This morning, I got to the car pack to travel...
I was surprised and curious when I read the heading of your article, "Why Muslims are better than Christians". I was quick to read the article without missing a word. The points you raised in favour of Islam are...
Yesterday, I spent some time discussing Islam and Christianity with a Christian brother. According to him, there is only Bible. I begged that he tells me the name as I know of so many Bibles with lots of differences....
For a very long time, I have stopped believing whoever claims to hear directly from God. It is one thing to connect signs and events, it is another thing to claim God spoke with one directly. Nigerian Pastors never...
Christians believe that they are the followers of Jesus Christ. They claim to love and revere him in that they call him their Lord and Personal Saviour. In this article, we are not looking at how Paul might have...
Non-Muslims have been programmed to believe lies about Prophet Muhammad. This is a comparative video about how Jesus(of the Bible) and Prophet Muhammad reacted to a similar situation.
Christians, especially the Evangelists and Apologists think they are on the truth when they are from from it but on erroneous beliefs.
These Evangelists never stop disturbing people in the name of the gospel, desperately trying to win souls for...
Christians are special beings. They deny the truth but embrace the lie, so much, that their hypocrisy stinks to the skies. They are deaf, dumb and blind in reference to the words of ALlah in Qura'n 2:18. Deaf that...
Last night, I had a discussion of over two hours with Alhaji Ishola Adepoju (Mallam Yusuf Adepoju's Father). AlhamduliLlah, the octogenarian is fit as ever.
After benefiting me with the history of MSS library, UI, the first Jummu'ah Salah held...