Sacha Baron Cohen may be very nasty but he is one of those actors who satires depict his knowledge of the society he lives in. He understands the politics, the ideologies, the propaganda, etc. The advent of Social Media has...
One of the most striking and most alarming hadiths that draw our attention to a major problem we may not be paying attention to is the following: Jabir reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Iblis places his throne...
Does being a renounced writer makes someone a philosopher? Because, we keep seeing Prof. Wole Soyinka on the round table with European philosophers discussing critical topics and most of the time they just intellectually derail him. Probably they have been...
I took a trip to the Land of Succes;. It wasn't a distance, yet it took years. It rained all night, and the weather was dry; The sun was so hot, I nearly froze to death. I saw with titles, seven doors; And labelled...
About a decade ago - at the early stage of my union to Queen Rasheedah - I fell ill and was eventually diagnosed of appendicitis. Without ado, perhaps as symptoms were worryingly and scarily manifested, I was recommended for...
Anas narrates that he was once walking with Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), who was wearing a Najrani shawl with a rough edge. All of a sudden, a bedouin came up behind him, took hold of...
As we all may know, children develop differently and at different rates, but how we parent them also makes a huge impact on their development. Let me share with you ten simple ways to help your child increase his/her...
It took me years to realize that the quality of my life, my health, and my productivity were directly related to the relationship I had with food. Controlling my diet has been an essential step to controlling my life. I grew up...

Losing Weight the Sunnah Way

“…eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.” In today’s world, one of the most common fitness issues that we face is obesity. Which is why we see many people following different...
According to Rory Sutherland, 6 million pounds was used to reduce the journey time between Paris and London by 40 minutes. He argues that with 0.01% of this money you could have put WiFi on the trains and people...

