It is adorable to see people who acclaimed themselves as intellectuals and brains ridicule the bench and trade mark of intellectualism. More so, when the arrogant intellectualism is paraded by atheists. The self-acclaimed loud speaker of atheists and atheism in...
When one dies, it is the people around him that feel the loss and wail. Similar thing happens when one is daft. If not for those who don't use their God given sense of reasoning, would there ever be...
Islam seems to be the most misunderstood religion on earth. From Muslims being tagged terrorist to Shariah being tagged oppressive, there are always one or two things people do not really get right about Islam. I have taken five...
It has been a widely spread tale amongst the non-Muslims and some Muslims in the South-Western part of Nigeria that the Hausas will not allow a Yoruba man lead them in any of the five daily prayers. This, as...
There is this reprehensible cartoon by the cartoonist who goes by the name of Asukwo depicting the governor of Kano with his arms amputated signing the death sentence of the young man condemned by the Sharia court for dragging...
Most of those saying the Shari'ah law is this and that and at the same time asking why it is not used for corrupt politicians, it is time for y'all to see the beauty of the Shari'ah law. Now, you...
    Click here for previous parts... CLAIM NUMBER THREE: THAT THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST WILL BE ABOVE THE MUSLIMS AND OTHERS    OUR RESPONSE:  First of all, the narration was not referring to the Muslims because the Muslims believed and honored all the prophets. See...
Click here to read our refutation to the same article ASSALAMU ALAIKUM,    I wish to write this rejoinder to the so-called Muslim convert which appeared to be a Missionary sponsored-propaganda. I have observed and responded to about sixteen allegations and misconceptions...
Previous: Beware of Aboo Aamir There are two groups of people who detest Salafiyyah. In the first group, we have those who are vehemently opposed to the Sunnah and see the creed as a threat to their innovations or some...

