“Beware of a calamity that may afflict not only those who incurred it but also the innocent ones who had no hands in its cause and know that Allah’s retribution can be very severe”. Q. 8:25 Monologue Beyond sheer lamentations and...
BRIEFLY ON CHRISTIAN ELDERS ISLAMISATION CLAIM. As was rightly observed the other time, Nigeria Christian leaders are in crisis. They have followers who see little or nothing wrong in alcoholism, fornication/adultery, obscene Music and public nudity. Their crisis is further...
  The plight of a Muslim girl, Sadiya Idris, who was stolen by a Kaduna pastor, Reverend Jonah Gangers, has been brought into limelight. Although the case is already in court, the Nigerian Islamic human rights organization, Muslim Rights Concern...
All praise be to Allah, the LORD of all that exist. Eid Mubarak everyone. A Revert who was hosted last year by a sister was the first person to ask if we would be having our "Host a Revert this...
  In the name of Allah The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful All praises and thanks are due to Almighty Allah. May his peace and blessing be upon our Prophet Muhammad (SAW). First and indeed foremost, it is pertinent for me to...

Angel over kabbah, video is fake.

ANGEL OVER KABBAH, VIDEO IS FAKE.   There has been an email going around of a video from YOUTUBE claiming that the camera man has captured an angel flying over the Kaaba. It is a really disturbing fact that so many...
The Academy of Islamic propagation (ACADIP) has released new CDS of her most recent 2017 lectures. Watch... Come into divine light Part 1A - ACADIP NIGERIA https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF7JOLMuqwM Come into divine light Part 1B https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i8goD9qc5bc Come into divine light part 2A https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pKlcMxoMB3Q Come into divine light Part 2B https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1G7XU5nYPIw Come...
Not less than 20 Muslims were gruesomely murdered on Saturday in Jos with several others injured. The Muslims, traveling in a convoy of five buses were said to be coming from an annual Dhikr prayer and headed for Ikare,...

Hajj riders finally made it to Hajj

Eight British Muslims have reached Medina in Saudi Arabia, after cycling for more than 2,000 miles to perform the Hajj pilgrimage.  The men completed the challenge in under six weeks after riding through parts of Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein,...
Hijab And Law School’s Sword By Adeola Soetan Amasa Firdaus. All Barriers of Rights and reedoms Must be Broken! Genuine Human Right Activists should see the needless Hijab issue in the ‘Lawless School’ beyond religion but Rights. It is a battle between...

