If we can use any word more suitable than "bias" for the media, we would.
The media is bias when it comes to Muslims. Check below for differences in reports when Muslims are the victims or culprits and when non-Muslims...
Oh Ramadan,
the birth month of Humul kitab,
When ajar is the gates of paradise.
And shut the doors of hell
A moon of redemption.
Begin it is, with rain of mercy
Now in it end (Alhamdulilah)
Oh! Do well to, fetch it, beg...
Salaam alaykum, brethren in faith..
As awkward as this may sound, it's the bitter truth. I'tikaaf is basically about three things: Solaat, recitation of the Qur'an, and Adhkaar. It is not permissible for a Mu'takif (a person observing i'tikaaf) to...
Personally, I have never hid my desire for polygyny both online and in real life. In fact, some of my female colleagues at the University would taunt me for preaching something that I'm yet to practice.
In response, I tell them to chill,...
Assalaamu alaykum warahmatuLlaah wabarakaatuHu
WE NOW HAVE A VOICE: They will no longer narrate our stories for us.
The media has been very cruel and bias for decades or centuries probably. We do not tell our stories hence...
BismiLlahi Ar-Rahman Roheem
Salam alaykum WarahamatuLlahi Wabarakatu.
Allah in His infinite mercy has made woman a very respectable and highly sensitive human, and because of these attributes, He has enjoin on them (women) to dress modestly so as to retain the...
Look, if something is clearly prohibited in the religion of Islam, then it is prohibited, and there is no need to go and try to make it otherwise. Likewise, if something is clearly permissible according to our scriptures and...
"Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take others for...
A day Humanitarian visitation to Agodi Prison,Ibadan, Oyo State on the 17th June, 2017.
Activities for the proposed visitation include:
1. Giving Islamic Sermons to the Inmates.
2. Legal services to inmates who have fines to...
Islam, a religion of mercy, does not permit terrorism. In the Quran, God has said:
“God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you...