Click here for previous session     Arius argued that the divine Triad was composed of three separate and distinct realities, and that Jesus Christ was of created, finite nature. In other words, a man. Arius’ major work, Thalia (meaning “banquet”), was first publicized in 323 CE and created such a stir that the Council of Nicaea was convened in 325 to address the Arian challenges. For example, the Arian syllogism proposed that if Jesus was a man, then we shouldn’t say he was God, and if Jesus was God, we shouldn’t say he died. Arius proposed that the God­man concept doesn’t stand up to critical analysis, and defies explanation. Arian challenges to Trinitarian theology would swamp and sink...
Click here for previous session     What is said regarding Astrology (At- Tanjeem) Imam Al-Bukhari recorded in his Sahih that Qamdah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: "Allah created the stars for three purposes: (1) As ornaments of the heavens; (2) As missiles against...
Yes there are early Hadith collections. One of the claims hurled at Muslims by Christian missionaries and Hadith-rejecters are that they say, “there are no hadiths collections from early Islam”. According to them, Hadith came into existence 250 to...
  In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the merciful.   Welcome to the update of Question and answer session of the Academy of Islamic propagation (ACADIP) lecture held at Bodija Market, Opposite JMR Motors, Bodija Ibadan, Oyo State on October 19th...
    Why are they always mad each time they see you with beard? Why are they always disturb when they see you putting on the correct Hijaab/Niqab? Why is your sunnatic trouser their problem? Why are they always sad each time you create...


SALAFEES OR KHALAFEES? (Part 1) By Sanni Kay. Yusuf   The word, salafee and/or salafiyyah seems the most despised appellative to some muslims, while some do passionately and enthusiastically wish to be called and addressed as such. What a paradox of life –...
Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State stormed the Ado Ekiti Eid praying ground on Friday, September 1 in full Islamic regalia – with a turban and a tesbih (rosary) to match – and joined thousands of Muslims to observe the Eid-el-Adha...

STOP Bashing!!!

STOP BASHING!!! It is disheartening when people who lay claim to knowledge of the Deen take to bashing, tantrums and name calling in the name of Da'wah. Till date, we haven't seen an ayah of the Qur'an that says let...
  It is no news that Christianity cannot survive without lies, propaganda and fabrications. We keep hearing tales of people seeing Jesus but none of them can tell us how Jesus exactly looks like. Propaganda is like orgasm to Christians especially...
BUSY AT NOTHING! (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIAN MUSLIMS)...   In as much as I would want this article to reach the totality of Muslims in this nation, if possible... I wouldn't also want a Non-Muslim to get a glimpse of...

