Uncircumcised Hausa and Fulani Muslims? If this topic is mere politics, I would not be bothered. The fact that it has to do with the identity of Muslims makes this piece necessary. There is a molehill belief, yet popular among some...
SubhanAllah! Allahu Akbar!! AlhamduliLlah!!! By Allah, were GUIDANCE for sale, the world's richest men would not be able to afford it even if they come together! If in doubt, ask Fir'awn, the wives of Prophet Nuh and Lut. So, some would...
The inherence of good and evil in man has been a subject of religio-philosophical discourse for ages. We continue to ask whether man is inherently good or evil, or there is an equal or unequal proportion of both in...
One of the most common argument thrown against the Muslims is that  we worship a moon God! Indeed this claim is very strange since there is not a single Islamic source that says that we Muslims should worship the moon,...
The KnowIslam Project on Wednesday received disturbing, but not unfamiliar news from LAUTECH about an alleged but not proven-to-be-Muslim Professor who prides himself as the "remover of Niqab on Niqabi students". Following diligent research, we gathered that; - Ajibade gathered students...
  ZAKATU_L_FITR IT IS SUNNAH   Synopsis: This article seeks to discuss, in moderate detail, the fiqh ruling on giving zakāt al-fiṭr in the form of money instead of staple food item. In this author’s opinion, although it is best to give zakāt al-fītr in...
WHY DOES A CHILD RESEMBLE ITS FATHER OR MOTHER? Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) provided an excellent answer to this question in one of the Hadith. Abdullah bin Salam asked the prophet (S.a.w) four questions, we read in the...
In Islam, Shirk is the most grievous sin in  the sight of Allah. This is not new but it is unfortunate that our society is such where Shirk is rampant and common despite the gravity of the consequences.   One would...
The verse "Lakum deenukum wa liya Deen" is being misinterpreted by liberals. To liberals, this verse which English translation is "Your religion to you, my religion to me" means  compromise whereas it is the other way around.   Instead of compromise,...
ISLAM IN EDO STATE   What is now Edo State has been in existence since pre-colonial times. The cradle of Islam in South South – Edo State is Agbede.    POPULATION: The current population of Muslims in Edo State is put at 40% by...

