Why Hijab Is Important in Islam

Hijab, or veil, takes the center stage whenever there is battle between truth and falsehood. It has always been a sensitive issue, but it recently received a great deal of attention due to legislation and proposed legislation in several...
The major discourse on the point of Islamic education opposites the western idea of schooling as it is evident that both method of schooling has diverse goals, and this shows plainly that they are not equivalent. It resembles contrasting...
The woman fasts - obligatorily - as done the man. She unavoidably halts the sweetening flow of her sleep while the husband kingly floats on the bed snoring euphorically. In sleepiness - yawning and staggering - she proceeds to the...
Using gentleness with those who are hoped to embrace Islam is a desirable thing, in order to attract their hearts to it. This is with regards to the disbelievers; what then should the attitude be towards someone who is...
Islam stands for peace, harmony and understanding. It does not preach hatred or condones acts of violence. Unfortunately the message of Islam has been distorted by the enemies of Islam. The word “Islam” in addition to meaning submission (to God)...
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” More than your child, this memorization journey is the scariest for you! The responsibility, the hard work, the determination! Children can...
Young children usually cannot attend the Masjid because they have not learned the manners or conduct that is expected from them—and they end up causing disruption and disturbance to the worshippers. Therefore, the tarbiyah (cultivation) begins at home by...
Sīrah is an Arabic term. From a literal perspective it means to traverse and or to journey. In a technical context, it refers to the noble biography of the Final Prophet, Muḥammad (peace and blessings upon him). Some experts...
Like the man is naturally polygynous, the woman is naturally monogamous. She is apparently jealous and meticulously protective of her marriage from being enjoyed by another woman. She loves her husband so much that she doesn’t want anyone come...
Let's keep it in mind that whatever we are doing it for the sake of Allaah. If you are obeying your husband, have it in mind that you are doing it for the sake of Allaah. If you are pleasing...

