The Woman is Accountable Just like the Man –Seeking Knowledge is...

The woman – like the man is accountable for her actions, and is obligated in the religion with duties which she is to fulfill,...

The Error of the Claim that Islaam Oppresses Women

Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) said: “Those who say that Islaam oppresses the woman have erred very much and have made a great mistake....

The Elevated Status of the Woman in Islaam

Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) said: “Indeed the Muslim woman has an elevated position in Islaam, as well as a great influence in the...

Mr., Miss, and Ms. By Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman

  Many people have seen the word, "Ms.",a title used by some women but do not know the history other than being a title. Mr. is...

Protection of Life, Property, and Honor of Non-Muslims under Islamic Law

Islamic Law protects basic human rights like the preservation of life, property, and honor for Muslims and non-Muslims alike.  Whether the non-Muslims are residents...

Competing in Doing Good Deeds

Believers naturally have a competitive drive and are usually dissatisfied with what is low, and they never rest in this life, for they always...

How to Maintain Sexual Limits

Sexual immorality is on the increase all over the world. Adultery is fast becoming the norm and the pious are also being infected. Married...

Evils of Slandering and Backbiting: The Possible Solutions

There is one thing we must avoid as much as possible if we want to keep our good deeds's account safe with Allah. That...

50 Facts About Your Wife

Women are a special creation of Allah. The Prophet has enjoined men to be kind towards their wives, and knowing the following facts about...

Fundraising: Have We Done Enough?

CCNetwork is a charity organization institutioned by my brother, Waliyyullaah Olayiwola. A time ago, they raised funds for J(a kid) and eventually J was...

Jesus and the Fig Tree By Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman

Given the Christians' belief that Jesus is God, though there are exceptions in some Christian denominations. In this article, I will use the Bible...

Christians Brother Gets Owned By Lucas Bashir (From 2016) 

Few days ago, I was traveling, got on the phone, gave some verses in the Bible and Qur'an. I alighted then a man swiftly...

Avowed Islamophobe Laura Loomer Ordered to Pay $120,000 to Muslim Rights...

Anti-Muslim activist Laura Loomer was ordered to pay a Muslim rights advocacy organization $120,000 Wednesday. A federal judge mandated that Loomer and her company, Illoominate Media,...

Some Points to Ponder about the True Purpose of Life

Since we are on the path to developing greater righteousness and a better level of faith, let us consider some important points and. explain...

Islamophobia and the Media

In September 2001 the world changed forever.  On the 11th day of that month, a series of four coordinated attacks were carried out in the...

Polygyny: Why You Should Be Careful As a Woman

"I have told my wife I want to go into polygny and she has made hell on earth for me"  "I have told my wife...

Why Do Muslims Call Others to Islam?

If you discovered something so amazing you felt like jumping up and down in excitement, what is the first thing that you would want...

When the Companions Were Children: An Inspiration for Every Educator

Dear educator, Below is a set of fascinating patterns and interesting situations for you and other educators to learn and obtain benefit from as much...

Wisdom Behind Two Years of Breastfeeding – A Scientific Perspective

Allah the Almighty Says (what means): {Mothers may breastfeed their children two complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing . Upon the father...

Alfa Saidi Shittu -By Imam Sanni Kay Yusuf

He is, in my arguable opinion, a thorn in the flesh of fetish fellows who parade themselves as clerics. Many, especially those in diaspora...