The Subtle Discourse with Christians (2)

They found it difficult to produce a direct response as they were both perambulating. They started giving excuses to wave the questions but I...

A Person Who Takes Care of the Masjid Will Still be...

Question: Will the person who takes care of the Masjid still be rewarded if he receives salary for it? Answer: Na'am, he will be rewarded...

The Subtle Discourse with Christians (1) -By Abdulsalam Abdullahi

Whenever a christian thinks I hate them, I tell him I don't; if I hate them, I would not invite them to Islãm. Rather,...

Intoxicants: Harms and Impacts

The Muslims of today, especially the youth, are facing many problems and temptations that were not there before. The youth are easily distracted by...

Conditions of Valid Muraabahah for the Purchase of Construction Materials

Question: I have a little knowledge about muraabahah transactions, and I hope that you can explain it in a way that will help us to...

Means of Acquiring Refined Morals

Undeniably, changing one's morals for the better is the toughest change for the human being, but it is not impossible. There are many ways...

Shaytan’s Gateways to the Heart

The heart is like a fort and Satan the advancing enemy, who is intent on infiltrating and occupying it. Hence, only by guarding the...

The Ideal Muslim in the Community

The Muslim community is based on sincerity, purity of human feelings and fulfillment of rights and needs to every member. The Muslim has a mission...


Bismillah wa sollātu was-Salāmu 'Alā Rasūlillah. I have recently been shared with a piece of writing transcribed from a viral audio clips by a brother...

How could you claim that Jesus is God? 

How could you call him a son of God? How could you claim there are 3 in 1 God? How could you claim Jesus died for...

Kabshah bint Raafi‘: The Mother of Heroes

She is Kabshah Al-Ansaariyyah Al-Khudriyyah bint Raafi‘ ibn ‘Ubayd ibn Al-Abjar, i.e. Khudrah ibn ‘Awf ibn Al-Khazraj, may Allah be pleased with her. Her...

Shall I Show You a Woman from the People of Paradise?

Ataa’ ibn Abu Rabaah narrated that he said, Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, said to me, “Shall I show you a woman from...

The Use of the Internet to Propagate Islam (3)

It is sad to note that when a researcher looks through some of the international libraries available on the Internet in order to find...

90 Verses Say Jesus is not God By Adenino Otari

All four Gospels record Jesus as saying, “Blessed are the peace-makers; they will be called sons of God.” The word ‘son’ cannot be accepted literally...

Three Steps to a Happy Life

Happiness is the universal goal of people from all walks of life – be they philosophers of a high intellectual caliber or unlettered laborers...

Calling to Islam – the duty of every Muslim

While all the messengers appointed by Allah were charged by Him with the responsibility to disseminate the revealed guidance with which they were entrusted,...

How Do We Know that God Exists? -By Sanusi Olawale ibn...

Religion is nothing new; atheism is not also alien to us. Among us are the believers in the existence of a Creator. There is...

The Use of the Internet to Propagate Islam (2)

Another matter regarding the Internet which is associated with the preconditions of the Hour is the saying of the Prophet  as in the book of...

Virtual Quiz Competition on the Biography of the Prophet

We can only practice, implement and apply what is known to us. If we are acquainted with the Prophet’s life story, actions and statements, we...

The Use of the Internet to Propagate Islam (1)

In the beginning of the year 1969 CE, in the state of California, people were able to transfer data between two personal computers which were...