WHY ISLAM? Almost never do non-Muslims study Islam until they have first exhausted the religions of their exposure. Only after they have grown dissatisfied with the religions familiar to them, meaning Judaism, Christianity and all the fashionable “-isms”—Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism...

The message of false religions

THE MESSAGE OF FALSE RELIGIONS There are so many sects, cults, religions, philosophies, and movements in the world, all which claim to be the right way or the only true path to God! How can one determine which one is...
  A patient in the hospital is familiar with the daily visits of Evangelists. At a time, I wondered if there is no scheduled time for them to see patients. The nurses and doctors add to the menace as they take...
WhO ARE THE AHLUL - BAYT? "Aa’ishah (radiallahuaniah) :The Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhiwasallam) went out one morning wearing a striped cloak of black camel hair. Al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali came and he enfolded him in the cloak, then al-Husayn came and he...
  Yesterday, one of the brothers made a post about the ban on Hijab by the authorities of the Federal Staff School, Adewole, Ilorin. He wrote: "Federal Staff School in Adewole has also banned the Muslim students from using the Hijab." In...


Do you know who they are? Those who plant terror in men like yam, Do you know them if you walk behind their hamlets? Those who sow tears in the face of our women, Do you even know their mission on earth? Those who...
BEHEADING VERSUS OTHER METHODS OF EXECUTION. I wrote an article comparing beheading with use of lethal injection and firing squad. Not to make it too long, I did not go into giving analysis of these methods of execution. So, here...
_ARE THE SHIAS RIGHT TO HARM THEMSELVES TO MOURN THE DEATH OF SOME OF OUR IMAMS_? IN RESPONSE, Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid says: What the Shi’ah do on ‘Ashoora’ of beating their chests, slapping their cheeks, striking their shoulders with chains...


FAMOUS BUT FAKE The evening of Sunday the 24th day of September 2017 will remain indelible in my memory, as I engaged a Tijaany-cleric in an approximately two-hour religious debate. He had garrulously fumbled prior to the day that he...
UPDATE FROM MINISTRY OF SOCIAL WELFARE, GENDER AND CHILDREN’S AFFAIRS *Threat to Peaceful Religious Co-existence (Update)* Consequent to this morning’s Press Statement from Honourable Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, Government wishes to update the public as follows: 1.      A...

