Allaah's Name

ALLAAH'S NAME. Allaah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’aala) has names and they are "Husna". Every name of Allah implies a perfect attribute. Allaah is "Al-Ismul-A'zam" the greatest name which contains all the divine attributes and the sign of the essence and cause...
Click here for previous session     Given non­conformity in understanding, one comes to grasp the survival­based need of the early church to define a belief system, whether true or not. And this is exactly what was done in 451 CE at the Council of Chalcedon, which declared the dogmatic definition that has dominated Christology ever since: “One and the same Christ, Son, Lord, only­begotten, known in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation.” 102 Anyone who embraces the evidence of this chapter recognizes the above quote as a statement, but not a truth. Even if the church fathers conceived the nature of Jesus to be “without confusion,” the same cannot be...
Click here for previous session       (Put your Trust in Allah) Allah the Almighty said: "Put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed." (5:23) He the Most Exalted said: "The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel...
In the world today, it is really important that the Muslim world tell its own story to save the religion from liberals, rationalists, modernists and people who know little or nothing about the religion but ascribe scholarship to themselves.   A...


  We all live in life where sacrifice are born to be made, Sacrifice of love for family or many others, Many don't know the power of sacrifice, At times sacrifice can just be like a small buy dying of thirst, But when it...
Click here for previous session     The above quotes suggest one of two possible scenarios. In the first, “son of God” can be understood to mean Messiah, King of Israel, “man of God,” “holy one of God,” or simply a righteous man, for parallel gospels relate these terms as if synonymous. For example, the demons identified Jesus as “the holy one of God” in one account and “Son of God” in another, and the centurion identified Jesus as the “Son of God” in Matthew and Mark, but as “a righteous man” in Luke. So maybe these terms mean the same thing. In the second scenario, parallel accounts recording the same events in different words could represent biblical inaccuracy. In either case, there’s a problem. If the differing terms are synonymous and...
Click here for previous session     (Fear of Allah Alone) Allah the Most Exalted said: "It is only Satan that suggests to you the fear of his 'AuIiya . `Ai shah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Allah's Messenger (May...
Recently, I was at a local park with my daughters, attempting to follow their exuberant patterns as they capered joyfully from swing to slide to monkey bars. After several minutes, I became aware of an elderly couple nearby.   Apparently...
Click here for previous session       Pope Gregory IX instituted the Papal Inquisition in 1231, but couldn’t stomach the sin of torture. It took twenty years for a pope to shoulder the responsibility and, in the height of irony, that pontiff took the name of Pope Innocent (cough­cough) IV. In 1252 he authorized torture with the papal bull Ad extirpanda. 95 However, some of the clergy must have wanted to get their hands dirty, up close and personal. To accommodate such lofty Christian sentiments, “in 1256 Pope Alexander IV gave them the right to mutually absolve one another and grant dispensations to their colleagues. With this legal and moral issue circumvented, one inquisitor could torture and...
Click here for previous session     (Love for Allah)    Allah the Most Exalted said: "And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah." (2: 165) Allah Almighty said: "Say: If...

