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Holy Spirit
Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations. —LaoTzu, Tao Te Ching
Everyone knows the term “Holy Spirit,” but few attempt to define it. Those who
do usually produce a mix of personal opinion and ambiguous, though doctrinally
sanctioned, apologetics. In the minds of most, this “oil and water” theology fails to gel
into a homogeneous reality. The Islamic understanding, on the other hand, is remarkably
concrete, teaching that the “Holy Spirit” is Gabriel, the angel of revelation. When we
come to RûhulQudus in the Holy Qur’an (see ayah...
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(Prohibition of evil thoughts regarding Allah)
Allah the Almighty said: "They thought wrongly of Allah -the thought of ignorance. They said, 'Have we any part in the affair?' Say you (O Muhammad (May the peace...
What do Muslims believe in?
Muslims believe in ONE, Unique, Incomparable God; in the Angels created by Him; in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind; in the Day of Judgement and individual accountability for actions; as...
This morning, a brother asked them to send him verses that were omitted from the New World Translation of the Bible (NWT). I sent him a link to a website created for the purpose of writing against the Jehovah's...
Islam today is faced with a greater challenge from modernists, extremists, liberals, rationalists who lay claim to Islam than those who declare themselves to be non-Muslims. It is very important to note that these people cannot kill the religion...
They said we are backward,
Because we cover up,
This statement is awkward,
Can you please shut up?
The Hijab that is giving you headache,
It's giving us headways,
We ain't gonna change our ways,
You had better look away.
Hijab is more than a head covering,
WHY IS POLYGYNY ALLOWED IN ISLAM? By Abdullah Al-junaid ibn Ogungbemi
It is no more something new to encounter Non-Muslims asking question“why is polygyny allowed in Islam". Is it to promote adultery and fornication?, is it to satisfy the sexual...
The Grand Chief Imam showed up unannounced with a fleet of cars conveying his entourage – in their teeming number. Not surprised to see the number one muslim though, but startled to be visited uninformed....
By Bashir Habeeb A.
The word Jinn in 'Arabic refers to something that is concealed and hidden.
It says in Lisaan al-'Arab: Janana means to cover or conceal. Everything that is concealed from you is Junna 'Anka...
❓What is meant by lowering the gaze
Praise be to Allaah
Lowering the gaze (ghadd al-basr) means restraining the gaze and not allowing it to wander or dwell upon anything.
Ibn Faaris said in Mu’jam Maqaayees al-Lughah (4/307):
Ghayn and daad indicate restraining,...