Academy of Islamic Propagation (ACADIP Ibadan Branch)
In Conjunction with THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY (Odo-Ona Kekere) Ibadan and Its Environs,
Invites the General Public to a 2-DAY
THEME: Exposing The Lies Of Gospellers
SPEAKER: Abdul-Hafeez lshaq (Co-ordinator, ACADIP lbadan Branch)
VENUE: Arapaja Junction, Odo-Ona...
AlhamduliLlah! Lucas Bashir is Back! Alive! Recovered! Healthy! (6-8-2017)
Backstage: Where do I start? Please, give me the microphone, let me shout! Okay, sit down, tell NEPA, the light should not go off. Engineer, no noise. Camera man, the camera...
Where is the shyness in man?
He woke up in the morning, took his kettle heading for ablution.
He rushed through ablution as if he's been chased and jumped into solah,within a minute he had concluded it.
Isn't he cognizant of whose...
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In any case, Jesus in Matthew 12:40 reportedly taught, “For as Jonah was three
days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days
and three nights in the heart of the earth.” This simple verse opens the gates to a
relatively uncharted territory of thought. “Three days and three nights” must be assumed
to mean exactly what it says, for otherwise it wouldn’t have been stated with such clarity.
However, if we believe the Bible, Jesus spent only one day and two nights—Friday night,
Saturday day and Saturday night—in the sepulcher following the alleged crucifixion.
Does this pose a difficulty? We should think so, because the above quote is Jesus’
response to the request...
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The forbiddance of taking Oaths frequently
Allah the Most Exalted said: "And protect your oaths." (5:89)
It is narrated from Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) that he heard Allah's
Messenger (May the peace and blessing...
Yes we love ourselves but are we loyal and respectful to each other?
I once saw a youth leader of the Muslims in Benin post an appeal for a sister on facebook. Someone, who did not know him, comes to...
I felt some strange, light pain on my right foot. The affected toe called for a scratch which I gave to it with a finger. So interesting it was, not knowing it...
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The report of my death was an exaggeration. —Mark Twain, Letter to the New York Journal, in
response to rumors of his death while in Europe
If there is a keystone to orthodox Christianity, it is the doctrine of the crucifixion.
However, if Christians expect others to adopt their belief, they have to satisfy the demand
for supporting evidence. Everyone knows the story. Everyone knows the biblical record.
But everyone also knows that other myths have been propagated over longer periods of
religious history, and the duration and popularity of a deception in no way validates it. So
while many accept the crucifixion unquestioningly, many others are not...
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(What is the punishment) for the Picture-makers
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: "Allah said: 'Who would be more...
When we refuse to partake in pagan festivals, we get labelled, called names and they see us as repugnant. I think that these festivals would one day become a thing of the past if people begin to reason for...