A 23 year-old Muslim sister had her hopes dashed on Friday after losing her teaching job on the day of resumption.

KnowIslam reliable gathered that the sister was summoned by the Proprietor/Headteacher to her office  on her arrival at the school premises.

The Headteacher gave her the option of choosing between her job and the Hijab.

“She told her she cannot be in their employment and be using her “head to shoulder length” hijab within the school premises! And that, she must choose between the hijab and the job!”, our source said.

The Headteacher further told her that there are numerous Muslim Children in the school, and they too, are not allowed to use any form of headcover in the school.

One of our reporters contacted the sister on Saturday to confirm the ugly incident. “I lost the job”, she said.

We gathered from the sister that she has a BSC. degree in Human Kinetics and Health Education.

The said sister lives in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria and currently unemployed. Anyone who has job offers for her should kindly contact the KnowIslam Project: [email protected] or send a Whatsapp message to +234 701 577 9491.

The KnowIslam Project condemns this act of religious intolerance and also calls on Muslims to create more Muslim-friendly institutions for the education and employment of Muslim faithfuls.



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