If they but Know!

THEY DO NO GOOD AND SEE NO GOOD. Many people who do no good are incapable of appreciating good. The nuisance caused by those who go about tongue lashing those who use one or two religious scriptures to invite others...
"Yelwa Massacre" 2004, . On the 2nd day of May, 2004 and the days that followed, more than 630 Muslims were killed in Yelwa by those who claimed to be Soldiers for Christ. They surrounded Yelwa to ensure nobody escape as...
Once I told someone, "getting immensely rich is not a big task if I were to capitalize on the gullibility of people when it comes to religion". I said that making reference to my encounter with a bike man...

Misgoded reading continued

Click here for previous session     BOOKS OF SCRIPTURE   There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it. —George Bernard Shaw, Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant, Vol. 2, Preface The common theme that runs through all religions is that if we believe in God and submit to His decree—obeying the commanded and avoiding the forbidden, and repenting our transgressions to Him—we will achieve salvation. The difference is in defining God’s decree. Jews consider the Old Testament the endpoint of revelation at present, whereas Christians and Muslims alike contend that if the Jews followed their scripture, they would accept Jesus as a prophet and embrace his teachings.  Muslims carry the thought a step further by asserting that anybody (Jewish, Christian, or otherwise) who does embrace Jesus’ teachings...
Zayed Bin Mohammed Family Gathering Presents; Lecturer's Name : Dr Mufti Ismail Menk Lecture Title : Tolerance, Togetherness & Islam (in English) Date : Friday Jan 19th, 2018 Venue : Al Khawaneej 1 Area, Dubai. Time : 8.00pm (FREE ENTRY)
  I was shocked when I received the messages in the screenshots attached to this article yesterday. Shocked not just because he is a revert but also that, he was among those that hosted me in Abuja when I went...
LETTER FROM MY WEEPING HEART TO MY PARENTS. By sister Nafysah bint Yakub I came into the world without knowing who I am What I will be or what I will look like When I came to this duniya I realized live is...

Misgoded reading continued

Click here for previous session       Return of Jesus   If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not even crucify him. They would ask him to dinner, and hear what he had to say, and make fun of it. —D.A. Wilson, Carlyle at his Zenith There is one thing upon which Christians and Muslims agree, and that is the return of Jesus Christ. Interestingly enough, both religions expect Jesus to return in a victory of faith to defeat the Antichrist, correct the deviancies in religion, and establish the truth of God throughout the world. Christians expect this truth to echo their evolved doctrines, whereas Muslims expect Jesus to remain consistent with his...


  By Sister Rofia Ummuh Ubaidah In the Name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful, Islam is a way of life. There is no topic in life that is not touched.   It is a complete guide for every believer; from prayer to purity; from Akeedah...


THE WORK OF AN IMAM BY SANNI KAY. YUSUF I once graced an occasion to admonish parents on child upbringing. While addressing the choice of career for children, I rhetorically quizzed thus: "Who will like his/her child become an imam/alfa?" Despite the teeming...

