Justice For Firdauz

#JUSTICEFORFIRDAUZ A Muslim lady, Amasa Firdaus, who graduated from University of Ilorin and Nigerian Law School Abuja campus was barred from entering the ICC for the Call to Bar because she refused to remove her Hijab in defiance to...

Did you know that Christ is a woman? 2

Did you know that Christ is a woman? 2 The Female Lamb – the only one who could open the seals – Revelation 5: 1-14. John in the book of Revelation had a vision of what was going to happen in...
Did you know that Christ is a Woman?1 The Woman Christ is the only sacrifice acceptable to God the Father. Let’s see who that perfect offering is: “If he brings a lamb as his sin offering, he shall bring a FEMALE...

The Religion Of Abraham

THE RELIGION OF ABRAHAM And who would be averse to the religion of Abraham except one who makes a fool of himself. And We had chosen him(Abraham) in this world, and indeed he, in the Hereafter, will be among the...
  ...truth has come, and falsehood shall perish ! EIGHTY-SEVEN (87) REVERTED TO ISLAM IN AKURE !!! Allahu Akbar! When Eighty-Two (82) Non-Muslims embraced Islam in Modakeke, Osun State on 17th & 18th of November, 2017, Muslims worldwide were in joyous mood....


Long but worth reading... just be patient till the end... TITHE is old LAW not compulsory by MONEY.: Pastor Jones jailed for telling members to tithe 10% of their incomes. Courtroom exchanges between a Judge of the Law and Pastor Jones. The...
AlhamduliLlahi Robbil ‘Alameen!!! We have come to the end of the two days Public lecture organized by Academy of Islamic Propagation (ACADIP NIGERIA), Akure Branch and to the glory of Allah, 57 Christians embraced Islam (Making a total of 87...
  AlhamduliLlahi Robbil ‘Alameen!!! We have come to the end of the day one of the Public lecture organized by Academy of Islamic Propagation (ACADIP NIGERIA),Akure Branch and to the glory of Allah, 30 Christians publicly embraced Islam. The lecture was educating,...
  Ma Shaa Allah, as promised!!! About 3 or 4 years ago, I met some sects of Christians online, and interestingly, there were Islamic names attached to their names. First was Sadiq Steve , and the other was Sadiq Ohida. I thought they...
MODAKEKE BREAKS RECORD AS 82 CHRISTIANS PUBLICLY EMBRACED ISLAM!!!   (…as ACADIP crushes the Siege of Spiritual Canvassers) Allahu Akbar !!! Allahu Akbar !!! It was not less than Eighty-two (82) Christians and a “Free-thinker” that publicly embraced Islam at the 2-Day Open-Air Lecture,...

