Assalam alaekum waramotullahi wabarakatu everyone.
A few days ago, I wrote on my Facebook wall an interesting Post. I asked a direct question; ARE THERE GODS IN HEAVEN?
The post generated a lot of controversies as so many Christians thought this...
All praises is indeed due to Allah, The Lord of the world. Alhamdulilahi, On our way to Lagos today we had an encounter with a Madam who happens to be a Christian.
As usual, She prayed as soon as we...
Christianity, Divine or Defined?
In the name of Allah the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.
Ask the nearest Christian to you right now, What is Christianity? You will certainly hear, it's simply "salvation". That is the most intellectual dishonest answer I have...
I writes spasmodically to uncover hidden facts that makes the celebration of new year "January" to be Haram in Islam and to enlighten ourselves on what new year is....
This morning, a brother asked them to send him verses that were omitted from the New World Translation of the Bible (NWT). I sent him a link to a website created for the purpose of writing against the Jehovah's...
Islam today is faced with a greater challenge from modernists, extremists, liberals, rationalists who lay claim to Islam than those who declare themselves to be non-Muslims. It is very important to note that these people cannot kill the religion...
Refuting an Amateur scriptorial conversion Story
It is not new, we are familiar with it. At one time or the other, we have come across articles written to defame Islam and Muhammad, may the peace of Allah be upon him....
The refusal of Academy of Islamic Propagation (ACADIP) headed by Mallam Yusuf Adepoju is not that there is no knowledge to debate them but who would want to fight a mad man that challenges him if not a mad...
I was at Ibadan Civic Centre, Idi-Ape Iwo-Road Ibadan for the Walimatul Nikkah of our brother & sister Adebayo Ajibosin & Kareemat Abdulwahab on the 23rd of December 2017 and exactly 2:03pm, I saw a banner which says "You...
In the name of Allah the most compassionate the merciful.
All praise and adoration is due to Almighty Allah the sustainer and creator of mankind. We send blessing to the noblest and seal of all prophet Muhammad, his companions, household...