It was recently reported that Reinhard Bonnke, the founder of Christ for all nations (CFAN), underwent a surgery and called for prayers. The 79-year-old German Evangelist had a surgery performed on his right femur and according to him, he needs...
  You might have met them. You probably have heard them. In the churches, in the streets, inside public buses, on radio and television. It is always in Jesus' name. But I tell you the truth, the lie they formulate...
During a live Facebook discussion between I and Akande Adeyemi Siraj on the topic, "Esu is not Satan", he referred me to a refutation written by Ayo Turton, titled, "Esu Is Satan Re: Revenge Of Bishop Ajayi Crowther" against...
Anyone who debates Christian apologists knows that it is common with them to avoid questions especially when they are cornered. When asked questions about their faith; the church and the Bible, they run to Hadeeth, life of Prophet Muhammad and...
Jesus Christ is no doubt a personality shared by both Islam and Christianity. No Muslim rejects Jesus Christ. That is why I find it repulsive for Christians to still preach Jesus to the Muslims. We accept all Prophets, we...
Even if we are not on the same page religiously, we shouldn't hide the truth from each other. Who Jesus Christ is and who he is not is that thick line that differentiate a Muslim from other adherents of other...
The piece you are about to read are not my words, but a word for word transcribed of an acclaimed Christian Apologist, Simon Barminas. This Christian Apologist was caught in the act! For those that were opportune to witness one...
Previously, we have published papers on the Church and contemporary doctrines. For example, a careful study of Jesus Christ would bring one to the conclusion that Jesus of the Bible is different from Jesus of the Church. Today, let...
According to a trinitarian Christian, the body, soul and spirit make up a man hence a perfect example to portray the Trinity, that God is three yet one. However, this is not tenable. The same trinitarian Christian will tell you...
The father of faith; Abraham (Ibrahim), in years only the Creator of the world can accurately state displayed an unmatched obedience to Allah by attempting to sacrifice his only son as at then for Allah, in fulfilment to the...

