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One should not say "My Slave (Male or Female)"
In As-Sahih (Muslim), Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said:...
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A brief summary, then, of these key points:
1. Jesus differentiated between himself and God. On one hand he exalted God,
but on the other hand he humbled himself before his Creator in worship. To his
followers, Jesus defined himself as nothing more than a man and a prophet.
2. The disciples agreed, and acknowledged Jesus Christ as a man and a prophet.
3. The only New Testament verse (1 Timothy 3:16) held to support the doctrine
of Incarnation is corrupt—even more, if it can be imagined, than the widely
discredited John 1:14 and Colossians 2:9.
4. The Bible describes the life and history of Jesus in terms which can...
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Saying: "O Allah, forgive me if You wish"
It is reported in As-Sahih (Al-Bukhari) from Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) that Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)
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Matters of Creed
1. Jesus taught the oneness of God (Mark 12:2930, Matthew 22:37 and Luke
10:27), as conveyed in the first commandment (Exodus 20:3).
2. Jesus declared himself a man and a prophet of God (see above), and nowhere
claimed divinity or divine sonship. Which creed are the above two points more
consistent with—the Trinitarian formula or the absolute monotheism of Islam?
Practical considerations arise. Questions like, “What was Jesus’ religion?” and “If
Jesus lived, preached, and completed his ministry faithful to the religious laws of his
time, why are those who claim to follow in his name not living by his example?” After
all, the Acts of the Apostles documents how strict the practices were among the early
followers of Christ. Peter’s avoidance of unclean animals is documented in Acts 10:14,
the emphasis...
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Do not say As-Salam (Peace and Security) upon Allah
It is reported in As-Sahih (Al-Bukhari) and Muslim from Ibn Mas'ud (May Allah be
pleased with him) He said: Whenever we offered Salat (prayer) behind the Prophet (May...
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Practices of Worship
1. Jesus purified himself with washing prior to prayer, as was the practice of the
pious prophets who preceded him (see Exodus 40:3132 in reference to Moses
and Aaron), and as is the practice of Muslims.
2. Jesus prayed in prostration (Matthew 26:39), like the other prophets (see
Nehemiah 8:6 with regard to Ezra and the people, Joshua 5:14 for Joshua,
Genesis 17:3 and 24:52 for Abraham, Exodus 34:8 and Numbers 20:6 for Moses
and Aaron). Who prays like that, Christians or Muslims?
3. Jesus fasted...
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(The Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah)
Allah the Most Exalted said: "And (all) the most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or...
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1. It is commonly acknowledged that Jesus was bearded. Do we find this
practice better maintained among Muslims or Christians?
2. Jesus is known to have dressed modestly. Nobody imagines Jesus Christ in
shorts and a Tshirt. If we close our eyes and form a mental picture, we see
flowing robes, from wrists to ankles. When Jesus delivered his Sermon of the
Mount, did he have a paunch? We like to think not, but in fact nobody knows,
and his loose clothes may be the reason. So, how many practicing Muslims does
a person find dressed with Christlike...
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(Every name which leads to the service of other than Allah is prohibited)
Allah (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
"But when He gave them a Salih (good in every aspect) child, they ascribed partners to...
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So how can we tell the difference between God’s truth and Satan’s deception? If
we choose religion based on emotion and not rational thought, how can we be sure we’re
on the right path? The Godgiven faculty of judgment is based upon cognitive reason; to
think otherwise is to assume that a rational creation was given an irrational law. God
directs mankind in Isaiah 1:18, “‘Come now, and let us reason together …’” Nowhere does God teach, “Feel your way along.” Satan’s doorway—the stresscracks of human
weakness through which he gains a handhold—consists of the base emotions, the lower
desires. Nobody ever sits down over a hot cup of tea in the fading twilight...