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The Trinity, which I came to know, is not biblical.
The word trinity is not even in the Bible, nor the
Bible dictionaries. The trinity was never taught by
Jesus and was never specifically mentioned by
The formulation of...
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thatAbout 1,300 years after God gave the laws, Jesus upheld them calling
them the "conunandments" and listing five of them for the rich young
ruler <Matt. 19: 16-22>. And in the Sermon on the Mount,...
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Many Christians believe that Jesus' message was for all people. When approached by a Canaanite woman who asked Jesus to heal her daughter, he at first refused, stating;
(Matthew 15:24):
"I am...
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Christians, as I once did, boast about the Gospels
According to Matthew, According to Mark,
According to Luke and According to John.
However, if we think about it, there is not a single
Gospel according to Jesus himself.
According to...
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If you read Luke 1:2 - 3, you will learn, as I did
that Luke (who was not one of the 12 disciples and
never met Jesus) said that he himself was not an
eyewitness to Jesus'...
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It is worth mentioning that the Bible references cited in this book may not be exactly as the Bible you are using. There are many Bibles on the market that are used by...
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During my Christian days there were many verses in the Bible that made me question the religion I was following (Christianity). There was one particular verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which says; "pray without...
This book is the Introduction to the classical work on the Maliki Fiqh written by Abu Muhammad, Abdullah ibn Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī also called Mālik Sagīr (little Imam Malik) due to his vast knowledge of the Deen and majorly...
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
All the cardinal doctrine of Christianity that is rejected by Islam and the
controversy about the personality of Jesus Christ (May peace be
upon him) is the major difference between Islam and Christianity.
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Professor Ehrman is more direct in his assertion: Critical scholars are fairly unified today in thinking that Matthew
did not write the First Gospel or John the Fourth, that Peter did not write
2 Peter and possibly not 1 Peter. No other book of the New Testament
claims to be written by one of Jesus’ earthly disciples. There are books by
the apostle of Paul, of course. Thirteen go by his name in the New
Testament, at least seven of which are accepted by nearly all scholars as
authentic. 221
Why, then, do our bibles label the four gospels as Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John? Some scholars, Ehrman being just...