Paul Levy's, "The Turtle who lost his shell" (1995) is a picture of our reality today; clearer than crystal, truer than the mirror. Little Bunny, the turtle, needed a place to hide his carrots and was happy to share...

6 Tips to Stop Watching Pornography

Porn – the silent sin. The habit that has consumed your soul but you can’t seem to find your way out of it. The reality is that many Muslims, males and females, watch porn. Even when they know that it...
Less than a session she got admission into the university, she went home with a man and had him presented as the one she would love to be conjugally glued to. The mother was utterly disappointed that her daughter...
Brethren in the Deen, As-salaam 'alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu, There is this annoying trend ongoing in Ibadan now which I’m sure the story is the same in other South-Western States too. This trend has obviously been going on for a while...
On the Coronavirus being a punishment fkntjejr government's atrocities towards the Muslims issue, I think I have been very apologetic on my opinion on the issue as a respect to people who have a contrary opinion. Unfortunately, this contrary...

Intoxicants: Harms and Impacts

The Muslims of today, especially the youth, are facing many problems and temptations that were not there before. The youth are easily distracted by activities such as addiction to TV, addiction to video games, gambling, disco, parties, and addiction...
It took me years to realize that the quality of my life, my health, and my productivity were directly related to the relationship I had with food. Controlling my diet has been an essential step to controlling my life. I grew up...
In a world where marriage (Nikaah) has become expensive and Zina (illegal sexual intercourse) is cheap, even free, two Muslim sisters came up with an idea to make the cost of marriage easier. One does not need to be...
Wise people concede a spiritual void and various pressures of society everyday life are the key behind the psychological disorders, prevalent today, especially anxiety and depression. These psychological problems have been addressed by the Prophet (PBUH) by promoting strong...

