A MUSLIM that doesn’t know that wearing his shoe with the right leg and offing it with the left leg is the best needs to be told not to be mocked for his obliviousness!
A MUSLIM that doesn’t know that urinating under the tree, in a hole or by the roadside is bad needs to be told not to be condemned!
A MUSLIM that doesn’t know that he needs to leave hot water to get cold before pouring it away needs to be told and not to be hacked by vulgar words!
A MUSLIM that doesn’t know that eating from the side that’s nearest to us in the plate andsaying ‘Bismillah’ before eating and every other things needs to be told and not to be insulted by anyone.
A MUSLIM that doesn’t know that it is better to go inside the toilet with the left leg and go out with the right leg needs to be educated and not to be banished from enlightenment from us!
A MUSLIM that doesn’t know that loving one another and praying for one another is a great deed that moves one closer to Jannah needs to be informed, and not shown hatred nor be despised!
A MUSLIM that doesn’t know the prophetic supplication to be said when going out, when coming in, when entering the toilet, when entering the room, when sleeping, when one receive a good news or bad, when one is in fear of something, when one needs divine guidance, when one wants increment in rizq (sustenance), protection, longlife e.t.c needs to be seated down and thoroughly taught no matter how young or old s/he is. It is a duty on us to learn and teach others some simple and basic issues about our deen.
We can’t keep overlooking them as if we know it all and continue falling in the dungeon of ignorance everyday.
May Almighty Allah grant us beneficial knowledge of the deen, divine wisdom and understanding!