One major factor contributing to why some born Muslims leave Islam for Christianity is the quest for miracles driven by problems and materialism. This is a very serious issue that needs to be discussed.

When such Muslims get married and, after 3, 4, or 5 years of marriage, do not conceive…

When a Muslim keeps hustling without any breakthrough or faces other types of difficulties, they start receiving invitations like:

  • There’s a church down the road holding a vigil. Come for deliverance.
  • There’s a pastor giving out miracle water. Jesus will solve your problem.
  • As Jesus raised Lazarus, so shall Jesus raise you above your enemies. Come worship with us on Sunday.

Gradually, they begin to visit these churches and eventually leave Islam entirely. Unfortunately, even after joining the church, they often find themselves still waiting on the Lord for miracles.


It is time we started facing reality. Enough of the rosy words—we’re tired of motivational speeches. Our Sheikhs must begin to address the harsh realities. The time has come to sensitize our brothers and sisters. Tell them the truth. Shall we profess belief while behaving as though we do not?

  • Muslims live in the ghetto just as non-Muslims do.
  • Muslims live in estates, just as they do.
  • Muslims are hospitalized, and so are they.
  • They build mansions, and so do we.

In a nutshell, we are all affected by the same natural phenomena.

Are you seeking riches in Christianity, where many pastors live in abject poverty? These pastors will tell you, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter God’s kingdom.”

Are you seeking children in a religion where there are also barren adherents? You leave Islam for Christianity, and after six years of trying to conceive without success, the pastor begins narrating the stories of Sarah and Hannah. Yet, before leaving Islam, you did not even wait half as long as Sarah or Hannah.

These tests define our faith and reveal whether we adhere to our religion for materialistic reasons.

This is sad and scary, but it is the TRUTH and the REALITY. Handle it how you will.

  • You’re about to get married? Know that it may take a long time before you conceive. You might never even conceive—it is Allah’s decree.
  • You’ve been hustling for a long time and hoping to get rich? If Allah wills, you will get rich. If He wills otherwise, you may hustle until you die. Allah does whatever He wills.
  • You do not wish to lose any of your children in your lifetime? Neither do I wish it for you or myself. It may happen that you won’t lose any, but if you do, will you hold Allah accountable? Surely, you are neither the first nor the last for whom this has occurred.
  • As much as we love our bodies, there is no certainty that we will die with them intact. Accidents may lead to the loss of a limb. Illnesses like cancer may afflict anyone.

The only certainty in life is DEATH. Your car may be stolen, your house may burn down, your office might be destroyed, or your warehouse raided. Will you then commit suicide? Or do you believe such things don’t happen?

It is only by accepting this reality and remembering Allah (SWT) that you can find peace of mind. We need to move away from overly optimistic and rosy sermons, as they come with their own evils.

When you tell someone to believe in God because God will provide them with wealth, but they are destined never to be rich, what happens? They believe in God, do not get rich, and then stop believing, accusing you of lying.

True faith means understanding that life is either yes or no. Be a pessimistic optimist and an optimistic pessimist simultaneously.

This Dunya is but a fleeting moment. Let us live in reality, not in false optimism. Have faith and do good deeds, as Allah says:

“Those who have faith and do righteous deeds are the best of creatures. Their reward is with Allah—gardens of eternity beneath which rivers flow. They will dwell therein forever; Allah is well pleased with them, and they with Him. All this is for those who fear their Lord and Cherisher.”
(Qur’an 98:7-8)

This is a far more worthy recompense for whatever tests we encounter in this Dunya.

No one truly has faith until they believe in Allah, and no one truly believes in Allah until they fear Him. And this fear of Allah is not genuine until it drives them to submit entirely to His will, joining together in mutual teaching of truth, patience, and constancy. Without this, Mankind is in Loss.

May we never go astray. AMEEN.

Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته



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