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Is a two state solution still possible?


In the words of one Israeli opposition member of parliament: “When Jerusalem burns, everything burns”.

Nahman Shai fears a newly passed law in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, could lead to more unrest in the Middle East.

The Israeli law makes it harder to divide the contested capital of Jerusalem in any future deal with the Palestinians.

Israel says the city is its capital. Palestinian leaders say East Jerusalem has always been their capital.

It all could have a dramatic impact on any peace deal between Israel and Palestine – with some saying its yet another fatal blow to a possible two-state solution.

What are the consequences of the latest law?


Presenter: Adrian Finighan


Mouin Rabbani – political analyst and senior fellow, Institute for Palestine Studies

Robbie Sabel – former legal adviser to Israel’s foreign ministry

Geoffrey Aronson – Middle East Institute

Source: Al Jazeera News


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