BEING A PIOUS MUSLIMAH As- Salam alaykum waramatullahi wabarakatuh Dear sisters in Islam, I love you for the sake of Allah! What do we understand by being a pious Muslimah? Ma shaa Allah!!! Allah (SWT) asked us to conceal ourselves. Some of...
Demonstrators stage silent protests in at least 10 Indian cities against wave of attacks on Muslims by 'cow vigilantes'.​ Twenty-eight Indians have been killed and 124 injured since 2010 in cow-related violence, according to a report Thousands of people have...
SAUDI IS A HOLY LAND - WHAT'S MY OWN WITH QATAR? I have been questioned privately by friends, colleagues and associates about my concern on the imbroglio between the state of Qatar and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Someone even...
Yelwa Massacre . The Yelwa massacre took place on May 2, 2004, in Yelwa, Nigeria. According to reports more than 630 Muslims were killed by SOME Christians youths. The youths surrounded Yelwa and many were bare- chested; others wore shirts on...
"Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will; but do some good act for your souls beforehand; and fear Allah. And know that ye are to meet Him (in the...
Iraq says ISIL bomber blocked in Monsul Iraq's armed forces say they have blocked a major wave of attacks by suicide bombers from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) outside the Old City of Mosul. Sunday's attacks targeted...

Sitta Shawwal

Sitta Shawwal : ﺷﻮّﺍﻝ Fasting six days of Shawwal after the obligatory fast of Ramadhan is Sunnah Mustahabbah, not wajib . It is recommended for the Muslim to fast six days of Shawwal, and in this there is great virtue and...

The killing of fulanis

THE KILLINGS OF FULANIS Our distractors always try to justify killing of Muslims. They always see themselves as victims of violence when in fact they are the ones provoking and perpetrating most of the violence. . Fulanis where mercilessly massacred in Mambilla...


‘Eid-ul-Fitr' It had been the practice of the Holy Prophet that he did not sleep in the night preceding the day of ‘Eid ul –fitr. This night has been named in a Hadith as, ‘THE NIGHT OF REWARD'. It means...
TERMINATION OF RAMADAN 1438 A.H. FAST AND ‘IDUL-FITR CELEBRATION Whenever you sight the new moon (of the month of Ramadan) observe fast, and when you sight it (the new moon of Shawwal) break it, and if the sky is cloudy...

