Misgoded reading continued

Click here for previous session     Dr. C.J. Scofield, D.D., backed by eight other Doctorates of Divinity, asserts the above even more clearly in his footnote to this verse: “It is generally agreed that this verse has no manuscript authority and has been inserted.”131 “Generally agreed”? In the words of Professors Kurt and Barbara Aland, “A glance at the data in the critical apparatus of Nestle­Aland (which is exhaustive for this passage) should make any further comment unnecessary to demonstrate the secondary nature of this addition and the impossibility of its being at all related to the...

At-Tauhid reading continued

Click here for previous session     (Recognizing the Grace of Allah, yet denying it is disbelief) Allah the Almighty said: "They recognize the Grace of Allah, yet they deny it (by worshipping others besides Allah) and most of them are disbelievers (deny...


COORDINATION OR CORRUPTION? “I have told my wife that I would realise money that would afford the family a pot of soup. Therefore, I must return home with some cool cash today. Mama, how much is this? #1000? No, no,...
RULLING ON HANGING VERSES OF THE QUR'AN ON WALLS Q. When visiting muslims, I noticed that many of them put verses of the Qur'an on the walls or pictures with the names Allah and Mohammed. I know a lot...
BIRTH OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD PART 2 Below is the link to part 1 Birth of prophet Muhammad. Part 1 https://knowislam.com.ng/birth-of-prophet-muhammad-part1/ PART 2 Continues... It was from the customs of the Quraysh, that the Arab would take them and live with them outside...
BIRTH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PART1 When Abdullah, the father of the Prophet (peace be upon him) grew up Abdul-Muttalib decided that he should get married. So he then got married to Amina Bint Wahb. She is also from Bani Abdi...
Earlier today, I was at the Eye Clinic with my brother Lukman Samuel Ridwan, Brother Yusuf Oladimeji Gideon and sister Aisha Blessing Olowosoke when a very interesting discussion started.   A woman sitting near us paid attention as two of us...

Misgoded reading continued

Click here for previous session     To begin with, Jesus taught the oneness of God, “Jesus answered him, ‘The first of all the commandments is: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” This is the first commandment.’” (Mark 12:29­30). Not only did Jesus stress importance by sandwiching his words between the repeated “This is the first commandment,” but the importance of this teaching is equally stressed in Matthew 22:37 and Luke 10:27. Recognizing the continuity from Judaism, Jesus conveyed his teaching from Deuteronomy 6:4­5 (as acknowledged in all reputable...

At-Tauhid reading continued

Click here for previous session     (Whosoever denies any of the Names and Attributes of Allah) Allah the Most Exalted said: "... and they disbelieve in the Most Beneficent (Allah) Say: "He is my Lord! La ilaha ilIa Huwa (none has...
When we convey The Message Of Islam to them, they laugh and act like there is nothing as take. But they fail to realize that the only chance they have is that they are still breathing. Allahu akbar!!! The moment the soul...

