It is not a fundamental right to wear the wig, but it is to wear the hijab.
With open heart of happiness, I salute our new wigs at the bar. I congratulate you on your hard earned success. May Allah...
When Donald Trump declared his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, it ignited a flurry of articles and discussions about who truly owns Jerusalem. The question of "Who Owns Jerusalem?" has remained a contentious and deeply rooted...
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1. It is commonly acknowledged that Jesus was bearded. Do we find this
practice better maintained among Muslims or Christians?
2. Jesus is known to have dressed modestly. Nobody imagines Jesus Christ in
shorts and a Tshirt. If we close our eyes and form a mental picture, we see
flowing robes, from wrists to ankles. When Jesus delivered his Sermon of the
Mount, did he have a paunch? We like to think not, but in fact nobody knows,
and his loose clothes may be the reason. So, how many practicing Muslims does
a person find dressed with Christlike...
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(Every name which leads to the service of other than Allah is prohibited)
Allah (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
"But when He gave them a Salih (good in every aspect) child, they ascribed partners to...
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So God does things in his preferred and ultimate manner, and if anyone insist that those ones ain't a revelation then bring us ENCOUNTER OF FIRST REVELATION OF EVERY PROPHET to prove none of them...
All praise and adoration is due to Almighty Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of mankind, we send blessing upon the noblest of all mankind and the seal of all prophet Muhammad, his household, companion and the entire ummah upon...
Someone asked me;
1. What do you understand about the Israel and Palestine crisis?
2. Who actually is the owner of Jerusalem?
Since Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, I have been asked series of questions and also read...
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So how can we tell the difference between God’s truth and Satan’s deception? If
we choose religion based on emotion and not rational thought, how can we be sure we’re
on the right path? The Godgiven faculty of judgment is based upon cognitive reason; to
think otherwise is to assume that a rational creation was given an irrational law. God
directs mankind in Isaiah 1:18, “‘Come now, and let us reason together …’” Nowhere does God teach, “Feel your way along.” Satan’s doorway—the stresscracks of human
weakness through which he gains a handhold—consists of the base emotions, the lower
desires. Nobody ever sits down over a hot cup of tea in the fading twilight...
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(To say "This wealth is the result of my labour and knowledge" is against Tauhid)
Allah the Almighty said: "And truly, if We give him a taste of mercy from us, after some adversity (severe poverty or disease,...
...truth has come, and falsehood shall perish !
Allahu Akbar! When Eighty-Two (82) Non-Muslims embraced Islam in Modakeke, Osun State on 17th & 18th of November, 2017, Muslims worldwide were in joyous mood....