They found it difficult to produce a direct response as they were both perambulating. They started giving excuses to wave the questions but I insisted. Instead, one of them tried to change the discussion saying, christianity is not a...
Whenever a christian thinks I hate them, I tell him I don't; if I hate them, I would not invite them to Islãm. Rather, I want good for them, that's the reason behind inviting them to the goodness (Islãm). Sometimes...
How could you call him a son of God? How could you claim there are 3 in 1 God? How could you claim Jesus died for your own misdeeds, your horrible sins - this is out of sense. How could you say...
All four Gospels record Jesus as saying, “Blessed are the peace-makers; they will be called sons of God.” The word ‘son’ cannot be accepted literally because in the Bible, God apparently addresses many of his chosen servants as ‘son’ and...
When a Christian preacher claimed through my WhatsApp that Jesus is a son of God and asked me to proof whom his father is. I responded and I feel like sharing with others. ********************* Jesus had no father, he only had...
In the bible, it is elucidated in several places, the legality of side chick (concubine) which is an abomination and a grievous sin in Islãm, this is awkward to humans' right thinking and chastity. In the other hand, polygyny...
  The Street Evangelist I said to have met some days ago gave me a surprise call yesterday and said he would like to visit me. I didn't hesitate to tell him he's welcomed. His wanting to visit might have...
Given the Christians' belief that Jesus is God, though there are exceptions in some Christian denominations. In this article, I will use the Bible to question the Godship of Jesus in the Bible as well as his being loving...
Few days ago, I was traveling, got on the phone, gave some verses in the Bible and Qur'an. I alighted then a man swiftly walked up to me and the following conversation ensued ;   Man: Sorry sir   Me: Yes?   Man: this is...
AposTEVIL Paul versus Jesus Paul contradicted Jesus.. 1. On the time of the coming of the Lord: Paul says: Rom.13 the night is far gone, the day is at hand. Jesus says: Luke.21 Take heed that you are not led astray; for many will come...

