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(Prohibition of evil thoughts regarding Allah)
Allah the Almighty said: "They thought wrongly of Allah -the thought of ignorance. They said, 'Have we any part in the affair?' Say you (O Muhammad (May the peace...
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The days of the unhistorical doctrine of verbal inspiration as held
by Old Protestant theology are over. From now onwards the Bible is
understood as an historical book, written and transmitted by men and
therefore subject to the same laws of tradition, the same errors, omissions
and alterations as any other historical source. The men who produced it
were no automata, instruments of God, but individual writers, men of flesh
and blood who had their own decided aims and tendencies in writing, who lived within the limited horizons of their time and were moulded by the
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Prohibition of cursing the Wind
It is narrated from Ubai bin Ka 'b (May Allah be pleased with him) that Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: "Do not...
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Exhibit #9 — The Resurrection
Some attribute divinity to Jesus based upon his alleged resurrection. This subject
is critical, for the keystone of orthodox Christianity is the belief that Jesus died for the
sins of mankind. The concepts of the crucifixion, resurrection and atonement are discussed later in depth. For now, the important point is that many early Christians
doubted the crucifixion, for none of the gospels is an eyewitness account. In the words of Joel Carmichael, author of The Death of Jesus, “Who could the witnesses have been? ….
Not only do ‘all forsake’ Jesus and flee; they do not—even more
surprisingly—reappear during Jesus’ trial nor are they present at...
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On saying: "If only such and such..."
Allah the Most Exalted said: "They say: 'If we had anything to do with the affair, none of us would have been killed here.'" (3: 154)
The Almighty Allah said:...
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Exhibit #7 — “Lord”
In the Bible, God was called “Lord” (Greek kurios) and Jesus was also called
“lord.” Is this evidence for divinity of Jesus? Apparently not, for a lot of other people
were also called “lord” in the Bible. However, once again, selective capitalization where
it suited the doctrinal purpose of the translators distorts the reality. “Lord” is a biblical
title of respect, as evidenced by numerous stories throughout the Bible (ex. Matthew
18:2334 and Luke 19:1121). The title “Lord” does not in itself imply divinity, and we
see this when Sarah called Abraham “Lord” (1 Peter 3:6). Nonetheless, Christians present
John 20:28 as evidence, in which Thomas is quoted as having identified...
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Nothing but Paradise should be asked
for by Allah's Face
Jabir ((May Allah be pleased with him)) narrated that Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: "Nothing except Paradise should...
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Exhibit #2 — Scriptural Predictions
The Old Testament predicted the coming of Jesus. It also predicted the coming of
John the Baptist in the book of Malachi. More importantly, many Old and New
Testament references to a final prophet do not match the profile of either John the Baptist to the words of Jesus, is a person to conclude that Jesus had a prehuman existence?
According to Jeremiah 1:5, so did Jeremiah. According to the Islamic religion, so did all
mankind. Next, is a person to draw a parallel between the “I AM” attributed to Jesus and
that attributed to God? Once again, the foundational text pokes fun at the translation.
Jesus is not recorded to have said “I AM” in capital “makes me look like...
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Whoever asks with the Name of Allah,
is not to be rejected
Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Allah's Messenger (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said: "If...
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Similarly, why should humankind trust its salvation to any of the gospels,
considering that they are of unknown origin and authorship?
The Jesus Seminar is perhaps one of the most objective and sincere attempts of an
ecumenical council of Christian scholars to determine the authenticity of the recorded
acts and sayings of Jesus. Yet their methodology involves casting votes! Two thousand
years after the ministry of Jesus, nearly two hundred scholars are formulating a collective
Christian opinion regarding the reliability of the quotes and historical reports of Jesus by
casting colored beads. For example, as regards the reported words of Jesus, the
definitions of the bead colors are as...