"I'm no more interested in him. I'm pissed off, sir. I will have to consider another suitor," she said. "Could you please be specific, dear sister? What is it that he's not doing, or that he's not doing right?"...
A book, Perfect Madness by Judith Warner, published by Riverhead Books, tells us that during her research, Warner discovered that: ·        “Seventy percent of American moms say they find motherhood today ‘incredibly stressful.’” ·        “Thirty percent of mothers of young children reportedly suffer from depression.” In...
Before discussing the concept of equality and how it relates to men and women in Islam, we need to make an important distinction.  Many people who speak about equality presume that this should be reflected in treating two groups...
All the FOUR daughters of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wassalam had to return back to their father's house at some point in their marriages, He welcomed them back with open arms, listened to their plights and resolved it. Many...
The woman who stays at home is the woman who has a real full-time job to do. This is a fact that must not be forgotten. It should not be forgotten either that society needs some women to do...
Muslim women have the potential to benefit the Ummah (nation) in many diverse ways. The Ummah is suffering immensely in this present age and both Muslim men and Muslim women need to rise up to the challenge and help...
Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) said: “Indeed the Muslim woman has an elevated position in Islaam, as well as a great influence in the life of every Muslim. Since she is the initial school in establishment of the righteous...
Ataa’ ibn Abu Rabaah narrated that he said, Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, said to me, “Shall I show you a woman from the people of Paradise?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “A black woman came to the...
There are many proofs to confirm the fact that Islam is the real emancipator of the woman or the female from her slavery. To make this more evident, we will clarify how Islam protects the rights of the woman...
Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) said: “Those who say that Islaam oppresses the woman have erred very much and have made a great mistake. For indeed it is Islaam that has been just towards her and elevated her status,...

