SubhanAllah! Allahu Akbar!! AlhamduliLlah!!!

By Allah, were GUIDANCE for sale, the world’s richest men would not be able to afford it even if they come together! If in doubt, ask Fir’awn, the wives of Prophet Nuh and Lut.

So, some would say Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman was never a Christian. Others would say he’s sponsored. Alhamdulillah!

When Sheffard Media told me another 1,000 copies of my book, “Truth for the Truth Seekers” is now ready, I reminisced on how I got to embrace Islam. Immediately, I opened Facebook then search “Joel” in Eneye Ahmad Jamiu Emma’s timeline and YES! I found it!!!

June 25, 2013, Eneye Ahmad Jamiu Emma published a post about one Pastor Joel that embraced Islam. Furious, I decided to take on them and teach the Muslims 😂 😂 but I was thought. Yeah, I was a Christian but not stupid. Amazing! I and Korede Olawoyin once debated together against Muslims on the same thread, we seek Allah’s Guidance for him and his likes.

The account I was using then, “Lukman Lucas Samson” is blocked but you would see people directing their comments at Lukman Lucas Samson on the thread. Please, open this link to see Muslims admonishing me 7 years back (Seven years at the time of this publication) .


Alhamdulillah, after three months, I publicly embraced Islam and denounced Christianity which of course earned me many enemies that Allah replaced with brothers and sisters in Islam … Alhamdulillah…

On how to pick up copies of “Truth for the Truth Seekers”, send a whatsapp to 07015779491

Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman


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