The Best Practices for Ad-Dua’ (Supplication)
A Muslim cannot do without du'a, rather leaving off praying to Allah amounts to priding away from Allah's worship out of self-sufficiency and that's...
Scholars Arena: Is Cannabis Allowed in Islam?
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his...
Palestinian minister: Cease-fire in Gaza is `not enough’
The Palestinians top diplomat said a cease-fire in Gaza will enable 2 million Palestinians to sleep Thursday night but it’s “not enough at all” and the world must now tackle...
How the Salaf Raise Their Children
On the subject of raising children, Ali ibn Abi Taalib (Radhi Allahu ‘anhu) said
“Play with them for the first 7 years (of their life);...
Exams: 10 Tips to Improve Your Memory
Before you study for your next exam, you might want to use a few strategies to boost your memory of important information. There are...
Important Manners of Conversation
In Sura Al-Haj, Allah described the believers ‘And they have been guided to the purest of speeches; and guided to the path of Him who is...
The Blessing of being Pregnant
Once a woman has confirmed her pregnancy, she should express her gratitude before Allah Ta’ala as this is indeed a great bounty of Allah...
Women before and after Islam
Women in pre-Islamic civilizations
Throughout the human history prior to Islam, women have been victimized and made to suffer too much. They endured unbearable deprivation,...
Scholars Arena: What Is the Ruling of Kung-Fu in Islam?
Kung-fu is a Chinese term referring to a study, learning, or practice that requires patience, energy and time to complete. Often used in the...
The Hidden Gems of Fajr (Subh)
For many of us, waking up for Fajr can be difficult and burdensome however, there are some virtues that we fail to realise! In...
Islamic Manners of Visiting (Part 2)
Sit where asked to by your host. Do not argue with your hosts about the place where they wish you to sit....
Islamic Manners of Visiting (Part 1)
In the first verse of Surat Al-Mai’da, Allah called upon the believers ‘O’ you the Believers, fulfill your promises.’ In Surat Maryam Allah also praised Prophet...
A Message to Muslim University Graduates
Earlier this week I was part of a group that was invited to attend a University Graduation ceremony. Someone dear to me will also...
Marriage Is Not a Life Sentence
All the FOUR daughters of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wassalam had to return back to their father's house at some point in their marriages,...
You Could be Wrong for Taking your Kids to the Mosque
Khushuu', translated as tranquillity, is the heart of Salaah. It tells the extent of a slave's submission to his Lord, and could mildly or...
Parents Should be Fine Examples for their Children
Young children usually cannot attend the Masjid because they have not learned the manners or conduct that is expected from them—and they end up...
Recipe for a Successful Marriage
Every human being by nature has an instinct to dispute. This instinct becomes more manifest between the husband and wife, thus leading to marital...
Focus on Your Character
There are two particular hadiths that are extremely important for Muslims to keep in mind; one establishes the foundations of Islam, telling us about the basis...
Key Advice to the Newly Married Couple
“You have never seen anything better than marriage for those who love.” (Ibne Mãjah)
Shaykh Muhammad Saleem offers newly married Muslims, the following advice:
1. -Every...
Press Release: Murdered Travelling Muslims In Jos Are Victims Of Stereotype
Not less than 20 Muslims were gruesomely murdered on Saturday in Jos with several others injured. The Muslims, traveling in a convoy of five...