We, Nigerians, are faced with a problem, Boko Haram. Unfortunately, our reactions towards their menace pose a greater challenge to our security and unity as a nation.
Watch Lucas Bashir speak on this;
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In Nigeria today, Boko Haram, as a terrorist organization has been a cause of concern for Nigerians. Unfortunately, Nigerians are divided on ethnic and religious grounds.
Commenting on my article on the killing of CAN Chairman by the terrorist organization...
In our world of today, the human race is so mixed that it has become very important to know and understand how to deal with people of different religions and cultures. However, we have, in the records, people who...
All lives matter; whether you are black, white, Jew, Christian or Muslim, killing a soul unjustly is a major crime and those who do this earn nothing but the wrath of God. On this note, I condemn the killing...
Following the suspension of a Muslim Student from Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State, the Osun State Muslim Community has issued a statement after a review of the suspension.
The organization called for a boycott of the said University by Muslims...
In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful
📌Ten brothers and a sister turned up for the visitation. We were allowed entry at 12:14pm. At the facility, there were 1,269 inmates in total; 1,246 males and 23...
December 22, 2019, we republished a 2017 article titled Da'wah to the East to call the attention of the Muslim populace to the pitiable plight of the Igbo Muslims; how a people have become strangers in their own lands...
By Prof. Dawud O. S. Noibi, Former Executive Secretary, Muslim Ummah of South West Nigeria & Retired Prof. of Islamic Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
My attention was drawn to the sepatate calls made by the Human Rights Writers Association...
In a world that is constantly changing and Muslim Children are beginning to have an identity problem, THE RIGHT WAY MODEL SCHOOL is the right place for your child with its perfect combination of both Western and Islamic Education, thus, giving...